Fortnite Offline: Downtime vor Season 7 - Beginning

Fortnite down: Battle Royale shooter maintenance is scheduled for today – Season 7 and update 17.00 on the way. in one Current Reddit thread Epic Games already mentions a specific time: the downtime starts at 8am. At this time, Fortnite will be offline, logins and games will not be possible initially. The matchmaking system turns off half an hour ago. At about 7:30 a.m. you can join the last game of Season 6 – then Epic Games prepares the BR shooter to activate Season 7.

With the start of Season 7 and the update at 5:00 PM, a new topic is coming to Fortnite Island, where players will then have to say goodbye to the primitive times of the current season. You can use the remaining time to make temporary weapons, for example. What to do in order for the seventh season to be activated in Fortnite, you can find out in a separate article at this link. However, what will change with the new season, remains to be seen. Fans will likely look forward to changing one map or the other. Lately, there have always been indications of an alien invasion in the BR shooter.

In a preview of the patch notes, Epic Games announces that with the start of Season 7 and Update 17.00, there is a possibility to unlock the opponent’s banishment. In addition, the developers announced a few days ago that individual graphics improvements were waiting for PC gamers. As soon as we receive more details about the changes and innovations, you will find out as usual on our website. It should be noted that the update volume for Season 7 is larger than usual – on all platforms.

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