Sony's response to Microsoft's Game Pass: New PlayStation subscription unveiling imminent

It looks like Microsoft’s Xbox Game Pass has taken Sony as a model and, according to a report, will introduce its own counterpart this week.

Sony will likely introduce you to a new subscription offer soon.

Sony will likely introduce you to a new subscription offer soon. (Source: Sony)

  • Sony is said to be working on a competitive Xbox Game Pass subscription.
  • Sony is expected to provide the service in the last week of March.

The success of Microsoft Xbox Game Pass shouldn’t have escaped Sony’s notice. Rumors and speculation have been circulating online for some time that the PlayStation publisher is working on a rival subscription codenamed “Spartacus”.

Sony should finally reveal this service in the last week of March 2022, Bloomberg News reports, citing insider statements. However, a date has not yet been set.

Likely Sony’s ‘Game Pass’ with demos and cloud games

It is claimed that Sony is supposed to offer its “Game Pass” with three different subscription options. The more affordable premium version will also offer cloud games, old PlayStation games (PS1, PS2, PS3), and demos.

Whether Sony can catch up to rival Microsoft in terms of subscriptions is yet to be expected. One analyst even predicts that Sony is in danger of collapse.

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