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Florian Silberian: scandal over the “beach hit party”! Florey is under attack

The 40th birthday of Florian Silberisen and the 30th anniversary of the “Schlagerstrandparty” was to be celebrated. But the show turns out to be a disaster. There is resistance on Twitter and the pop star is under fire.

On Twitter, there was a barrage of ridicule and hatred over Florian Silberian’s “beach party hit”.
Photo: Photo Alliance / dpa / dpa POOL | Guido Kirchner

40 years, of which 30 years on stage – it was necessary to celebrate. Florian Celebrezen So he called for a “huge beach party” on ARD. But the evening turned into a disaster. At least if TV viewers have their way. They ventured to get upset with the show he and Florian Silbereisen gave on Twitter.

Florian Silberisen: scandal over the “beach hit party”

“It’s been 385 days since Eurovision’s last major show with the audience,” Florian Silberisen said cheerfully to the audience at the start. “But today the wait is finally over.” Some time ago, fans were partying live with pop stars under the palm trees and at sunset. Guests included Beatrice Egli, Stefan Murus, Andy Borg & Company.

‘Schlagerstrandparty’ without Helen Fischer: The guest list disappoints TV viewers

But for TV viewers, he lost some well-known names on the guest list. One TV viewer said on Twitter: “Helen Fisher, Roland Kaiser and Might Kelly would have done this show well #Schlagerstrandparty.” “Overall weak and a bit terrified. Next time, please please the other guests. Thanks #Schlagerstrandparty,” the viewer thought, too. “I watched the #Schlagerstrand party all evening and didn’t get Helen. When is she coming back for her show? Only at #HeleneFischerShow?” This fan was disappointed.

Florian Silberisen in a frog costume: Twitter mockery of the pop star

Above all, Stefan Murus and his wife Anna Karina Wojczak got ridicule and rancor for their joint appearances with Florian Silberisen. Because while Kareena walked onto the stage in a sexy red evening dress, Stefan Mross and host Silberiazen hid in a bright green frog costume. So much for the TV viewer.

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“She wanted frogs for her performance and that’s what ‘Baby’ Anna Karina gets. Of course, Florey and her husband are there. #Schlagerstrandparty, a viewer tweeted. Another user shared a picture of the frogs and commented, ‘How much confusion do you want?'” ARD: #Schlagerstrandparty.” “If the party banner party escalates again…

Swing pure at the “beach hit party”! Ross Anthony mocked the outfit

But this was by no means the only strange appearance of the evening. A performance by Florian Silberisen and Ross Anthony, who featured in XXL swim rings, also caused head shakes. “ARD: Flori, how weird is your birthday? Flori: yeah #Schlagerstrandparty,” one Twitter user joked. Ross Anthony shed fat not only because of his weird looks but also because of his looks.

“The hard work of the #Schlagerstrandparty is done today by this cumberbund,” one viewer commented, referring to the singer’s rather tight belt. Another asked, “What happened to his allowance? We are already paying more license fees. #Schlagerstrandparty.”

But how one Twitter user aptly describes it: “The main thing is that people have fun!
#SchlagerStrandParty Because music is still a matter of taste.

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