Home Top News What will be the consequences of the January attack on the Capitol? This scene was suggested by a famous political scientist

What will be the consequences of the January attack on the Capitol? This scene was suggested by a famous political scientist

What will be the consequences of the January attack on the Capitol?  This scene was suggested by a famous political scientist

Openness and accessibility

Zakaria recalled Washington in the 1980s that it was easy to go to Congress, walk through halls, pay homage to statues, and see lawmakers from time to time. He notes that the White House was also relatively accessible at the time.

But it’s a thing of the past, after the Oklahoma attacks in 1995, the Capitol shootings in 1998 and the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, that those interested in visiting Congress must be subjected to strictly controlled screening, which begins with a compelling scene. Meanwhile unseen roadblocks have sprouted, parts of nearby streets have been blocked and the situation has worsened since last year’s Black Lives Matter protests, he adds.

The author of the commentary says that the situation will get worse as a result of the January 6 events. “I understand the need for security, but in a democracy it must be balanced with openness and accessibility, ”Zakaria continues. He recalled that Washington architect Pierre L. Enfont deliberately designed wide streets so that people could appreciate the large government buildings he regarded as symbols of democracy.

The construction of the Capitol was very expensive and continued during the Civil War, which was a monument to American citizens, not just the official building for politicians, the political scientist declares. However, he believes the situation abroad is even worse.

The United States diplomatic missions were beautiful buildings in the city centers where people could meet and events take place“Before coming to the United States, he recalled going to the U.S. Consulate in Mumbai, India to watch classic Hollywood movies. But the architectural stones were sold. Rarely, compiled by a political scientist.

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If anyone wants to understand that the United States has not been well received after 20 years of effort and trillions of dollars in Iraq or Afghanistan, the commentator recommends visiting US embassies in the major cities of those countries.

Security above all else

The United States today has stronger tools to protect “majesty” than its real empires, Zakaria said. He recalled that for decades – even when London ruled the world – that anyone could visit Downing Street 10, the seat of the British Prime Minister, and that only a small gate was erected to prevent it after the massacre of Northern Irish separatists in the 1980s. A small street. Moreover, the political scientist points out that for the French, who are known for their luxuries, there are only minimal, minor obstacles around the palace of President Elysee.

In current American politics, the implementation of other security measures is only valued, the author of the commentary points out. Since September 11, 2001, US embassies around the world have sent thousands of visitors because the authorities who did so paid no political price – on the contrary, if they allowed a terrorist inside, they would be imaginatively killed and crucified before Congress, he notes.

  • You can read the comment in the original version Here.

The same thinking usually explains the vast number of classified documents“The political scientist continues. He recalled his friend’s words from government sources that no one has yet been released to keep the matter a secret. As a result, there is too much secrecy, which restricts the sharing of government information with the public,” the author commented.

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Hypersecurity, that is, the addition of more and more hierarchical layers and practices, leads to an increasingly closed, bureaucratic and flexible system, which political scientist Paul Light calls the government’s “presence,” Zakaria said. He notes Light’s observation that the corona virus epidemic has shown how far Americans need to go to find out who is responsible for the federal hierarchy – if health workers want safety equipment, 18 levels are separated from their departments in the health sector, the Ministry of Commerce said.

If we try to understand why the United States is not doing better in the current epidemic-like situation and the growing distrust among its citizens, the above may be an important part of the answer, the political scientist believes. He likens the current federal government to a dinosaur that is well-preserved but isolated from ordinary people and does not respond to the real challenges facing Americans.


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