Home Top News Covid-19: France has more ICUs back, Britain has the lowest death toll since September

Covid-19: France has more ICUs back, Britain has the lowest death toll since September

Covid-19: France has more ICUs back, Britain has the lowest death toll since September

LONDON / PARIS / ROME – The UK today announced the lowest daily balance of Covit-19 victims in more than half a year, with death figures rising by only ten cases within 28 days of a positive test. Meanwhile, France has seen 213 new deaths and a further increase in the number of patients in intensive care units. Italy has reported a steady decline in new corona virus infections, while the daily death toll is the same as a week ago.

Epidemics are completely different in the three major European countries. Britain has the lowest number of infections and deaths since the fall, while half of the population already has the first dose of the Govit-19 vaccine. The British presence of the plague is 126,826, so it is higher than in France and Italy, but the increase in ten deaths today is the lowest daily total since the first half of September.

In France, the infection has been on the rise in recent weeks and the average number of deaths caused by the corona virus in the country has long been 300. 5273.

France did not update official infection statistics on the first day of the third national lockdown due to a glitch in the data of nearly 400,000 laboratory tests. In total, the Ministry of Health records more than 4.8 million epidemics and 96,493 deaths.

Today a new blanket has begun in Italy, but after the rise of February and March the epidemic is beginning to show signs of weakening. The government today announced 21,261 new diseases, down from 2,500 a week earlier.

However, according to Reuters, the total number of ICU occupations in Italy has risen to 3714. After 376 new deaths associated with Covit-19, the Italian balance of epidemics rose to 110,704 deaths.

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JHU now records 130,262,050 confirmed coronavirus infections worldwide, the highest in the United States (30.6 million). The second highest number is reported in Brazil, where the number of reported cases is over 13 million, and the third is more than 12.3 million cases detected in India so far.

Of the number of deaths recorded with Covit-19, the United States tops the list with approximately 554,000 deaths, followed by Brazil with 328,200 deaths and Mexico with nearly 204,000 deaths.

To date, 1.55 million Kovit-19 cases have been confirmed in the Czech Republic, of which more than 26,800 have died from the disease.

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Exactly one week ago, the RKI recorded 20,472 new victims and 157 deaths in a single day. The number of new infections per 100,000 population in the last seven days was 131.4 this morning, up from 134 seven days earlier on Friday.

Since the onset of the epidemic, the third wave now faces 83 million in Germany, with tests in the country showing 2,873,190 cases. The number of cured RKIs is estimated at 2,560,400. The total number of deaths due to Govt-19 or Govt is 76,895.

According to the RKI, the all-German breeding number was 1.03 on Friday afternoon. This means that 100 victims will affect an average of 103 more. The day before, the breeding number was 0.99. Infection will only decrease if it stays below a certain level for a long time.

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Last night, the Brazilian Ministry of Health reported 70,238 newly confirmed corona virus infections and 2,922 cov-19 deaths, compared to 91,097 infections and 3,769 deaths the previous day. Last week, authorities recorded a high number of cases a day (more than a million), and this week in Brazil, the epidemic – 3780, with the highest number of people dying with covit-19 since the beginning.

A few weeks ago the states of the Confederation of Brazil tightened measures against the spread of the corona virus, but the epidemic situation did not improve. However, many do not comply with the regulations, which is why in the second wave of these epidemics the country has been facing since December, the number of diseases and deaths among the younger population is increasing.

Sao Paulo, the most populous state with a population of 46 million, has already surpassed 2.5 million epidemics since the onset of the epidemic, of which 16,762 have been detected in recent days. The state recorded 76,552 deaths with the Govt, 818 more on the last day and this week they recorded 1209 deaths per day, the highest ever.

In Brazil, 18.8 million people, about eight percent of the population, have so far received at least one dose of the vaccine. Both doses of the vaccine are administered by 5.27 million people.

The world of the corona virus


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