Three generations, one experience: a vacation at home.
Schlager star Stefanie Hertel, 41, has rediscovered Vogtland for herself. With her husband, Lani Lanner, 46, daughter Joanna, 19, and Pope Eberhard, 82.
Singer: “Beautiful Places I Didn’t Know” Discovery tour of her childhood in Saxony. “We stayed in a cozy wooden house in the middle of a biosphere reserve near Ziolinroda.”
The Hurtl family takes a selfie while on vacation: Lani Lanner, Joanna Murs, Stephanie Hurtl and Eberhard Hurtl (from left)Foto: picture alliance / KERSTIN JOENSSON
During the day, the family went on excursions on parts of the Vogtland Panorama hiking trail, cooled off in White Elster and had a barbecue by the campfire in the evening. “Vegan – and no one missed the meat or sausage.”
With guitars around a campfire: Stephanie, Lanny, and Jonah have already recorded CDs as a country trilogy more than wordsFoto: picture alliance / KERSTIN JOENSSON
There was a special moment of rest in the 602-meter mountain hotel Heiterer Blick in Markneukirchen.
“My dad has been performing there with the Oelsnitzer Sperken for over 40 years, and we often partied.”
Shortly after this photo, Eberhard and his daughter Stephanie were surprised by showers on the Vogtland Panorama hiking trailFoto: picture alliance / KERSTIN JOENSSON
The pouring rain, which surprised both of them on the way there, was less beautiful. “We got wet. Luckily we found shelter.”
The interaction of the three generations worked well during the holiday. “The most important thing is for everyone to take something,” Hertel says. “We always did what was the common denominator.”
However, the family did not sit on top of each other for 24 hours. “Everyone has done something for themselves. When I was paddling with Lani and Jonah, my dad took an afternoon nap.”
A bed in a cornflower field for Stephanie. “I am a person of perfect nature”Foto: picture alliance / KERSTIN JOENSSON
As comfortable as the vacation was – it ended in horror. “When we left we locked the door and left the keys there. Unfortunately, our two dogs were still in the hut.”
But after a few minutes help came. The two animals did not notice any excitement. “They were asleep when the door opened.”