Tuesday, February 11, 2025
HomesciencePoor condition of adolescents: Dialogue, a key to risk prevention

Poor condition of adolescents: Dialogue, a key to risk prevention

Two years after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the psychological suffering of 11-17-year-olds has reached its peak. The French Public Health Authority has expanded its awareness campaign #JenParleA.

Adolescent Mental Health Indicators as of March 2022 – including Visits to the emergency room for suicidal gestures and thoughts And for mood disorders – they remain at a very high level, ”It is comparable to that observed at the beginning of 2021, or even higher, especially among 15-17 year olds.‘, refers to Public Health France in March monthly update.

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Data collected for 2021 and early 2022 show an increase in mental health issues among teens compared to previous years. Adolescence is a period of life that undergoes many changes that are likely to affect mental health, and the health crisis associated with Covid-19 appears to have weakened some adolescents.‘,” notes Enguerrand du Roscoät, Head of the Mental Health Unit at Public Health France.

In June 2021, as part of its commitment to the mental health of young people, the Public Health Authority of France published a A device for children aged 11-17, called #JenParleA is meant for”Promoting early management of adolescent psychological distress, in the context of a health crisisThis campaign was well received by the concerned authorities:

  • 84% of teens found that this campaign provided new information.
  • 94% of them found it helpful;
  • 4 out of 10 young people felt anxiousespecially young people who are experiencing sadness, stress, or anxiety;

Keep encouraging young people to talk about their bad lives

In order to continue working for adolescent mental health, Public Health France has decided to rebroadcast its campaign until June 2022. Its goal remains unchanged: Preventing mental disorders among adolescents by promoting help seeking by opening up dialogue and facilitating access to listening devices.

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In addition to rebroadcasts of 4 15-second films on social media networks TikTok and Snapchat, the campaign presents five Fox films, produced between March and June 2022. It offers testimonies from young people, alone or in groups, detailing solutions they adopt when not. They are fine or when they are anxious.

The posters will also complement the campaign rollout, to better reach young people who do not have access to social networks. Distributed to colleges and high schools as of March 21, they recommend contacting a trusted person if a problem occurs and refer to Youth Health Wire websiteA listening device designed specifically for them.

What do you do if you have signs of anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts?

The French Public Health Authority states that if signs of anxiety or depression appear, or unusual changes in behavior occur, they are It is important to talk about it And seek advice from your doctor.

If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, you You can call 3114. The call will be free, confidential and accessible every day 24 hours / 24.

sources :

  • Mental health. Monthly update, March 2022, Public health in France, 10 March 2022

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Zoe Barker
Zoe Barker
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