One in four adults in Europe is considered obese. The numbers are alarming and the World Health Organization is ringing the bell after publishing its new European report on May 3.
Also to discover: The study found that this (really) bad habit hinders attempts to maintain weight loss
There are more and more people in Europe – adults and children – having problems with being overweight or obese. According to the organization, six out of ten adults and a third of European children are affected by these figures keep progressing The report highlights the differences between men and women, and we can read in the report that “ In the European Region, overweight and obesity have reached epidemic proportions, with prevalence levels higher in men (63%) than in women (54%) In this new study published by the World Health Organization, we learned that the Mediterranean and Eastern European countries are the hardest hit. However, the organization shows that obese people are mostly found in rich countries and among the least educated.
This increase in numbers regarding the number of people affected by the problems of being overweight is partly explained by the epidemic, which has helped promote sedentary lifestyles and many people have stopped or significantly reduced exercise.