Home Top News How do the Arab countries now want to deal with Israel?

How do the Arab countries now want to deal with Israel?

How do the Arab countries now want to deal with Israel?

Only a few months ago, several Arab countries began to normalize their relations with Israel. Escalation in the Middle East is challenging them now.

After the normalization of their relations with Israel, several Arab countries worked with GazaThe conflict has begun to strike a diplomatic balance. The UAE, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan signed agreements to normalize relations with Israel since August.

The challenge now is not to criticize this new dialogue too heavily Israel Endangering the Palestinians – while not neglecting decades of support for the Palestinians.

Emirates is somewhat cautious

On Friday evening, the UAE published a moderate statement calling on all parties to take immediate steps to cease fire, start political dialogue, and exercise maximum restraint.

The official Emirates News Agency (WAM) stated that Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Sajid expressed his condolences to “all the victims of the recent fighting.” After storming the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the UAE urged Israel, in a conservative tone, to “avoid practices that endanger the sanctity of the mosque.”

Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan also condemned the clashes at Al-Aqsa Mosque, but did not comment on the situation Gaza. Your criticism of Israel has remained somewhat restrained in the past few days.

By their rapprochement, the countries turned away from a long line of Arab governments to reject relations with Israel as long as the conflict with the Palestinians remained unresolved. In addition to economic advantages, they were also interested in an alliance against their common archenemy Iran.

We call for a two-state solution

However, in some cases, countries revert to previously familiar rhetoric. The former UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Anwar Gargash, described on Twitter “ending the Israeli occupation with a two-state solution and an independent Palestinian state” as a “historic and principled position.”

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From Oman, Qatar and SaudiThose who have so far failed to normalize relations with Israel, similar statements came. Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita described the Palestinian issue as a constant concern “in a firm and clear position on the kingdom.”

In September, then-US President Donald Trump described the rapprochement with Israel, mediated by Washington, as “a basis for comprehensive peace in the entire region.” Trump spoke of “the beginning of a new Middle East.” The Palestinian leadership refused to enter into a dialogue with the Trump administration and accused the then American president of unilaterally bias towards Israel. Trump’s successor Joe Biden He is trying to broker a ceasefire.


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