Home science Eyes are key to early detection of Alzheimer’s disease

Eyes are key to early detection of Alzheimer’s disease

Eyes are key to early detection of Alzheimer's disease
  • Recognizing dementia: Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia with 1.2 million people suffering in Germany
  • Early detection of Alzheimer’s disease: Our eyes can provide information
  • The study provides surprising results

Eyes are key: Recognizing Alzheimer’s disease and dementia – as early as possible: The earlier the disease is detected, the better. This should now be possible with a new method. Our eyes or the movement of our pupils play a major role in this. The brain changes and is damaged long before the first symptoms appear. Therefore, early detection of the risk of Alzheimer’s disease is very important in order to be able to start the first steps of treatment.

Recognizing Alzheimer’s disease and dementia: A look in your eyes can reveal a lot

according to New study From the University of San Diego in California, he should be able to recognize an increased genetic risk for Alzheimer’s disease long before symptoms appear through eye movements.

Research into the causes of Alzheimer’s disease has so far been limited to two contributing factors: clumping of the protein – tau – and the accumulation of plaques of the protein – amyloid beta – in the brain. Researchers report that both factors are linked to the killing of neurons in the brain, which leads to progressive cognitive impairment.

In a new study, which was published in the magazineAttention has now been paid not only to causative agents, but to a new method that is supposed to aid early detection: pupil movement in conjunction with cognitive tests.

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Detecting dementia at an early stage: pupillary reflexes should indicate Alzheimer’s disease

Human pupil reflexes are controlled by the blue locus. This is a group of neurons in the brainstem. This part of the brain is responsible for excitation and regulation of cognitive functions.


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