Home Top News 64% say Boateng no longer has the level of the Bundesliga – BZ Berlin

64% say Boateng no longer has the level of the Bundesliga – BZ Berlin

64% say Boateng no longer has the level of the Bundesliga – BZ Berlin

It felt like a belated honeymoon. When it became known in the summer of 2021 that Kevin-Prince Boateng would return to Hertha, the enthusiasm among most Hertha fans was high. Finally, the prodigal son returns to his heart club after 14 years.

Sure, some were worried that it might be a few years late. After all, the 34-year-old only played in the second Italian league.

So far the skeptics may be right. Hertha is not playing well, Boateng hasn’t been able to help yet. The mood has shifted.

New player Prince Boateng has only been on the pitch for 179 minutes so far and must now appear against Freiburg as a true leader (Photo: picture alliance / SVEN SIMON)
New player Prince Boateng was on the field for just 179 minutes (Photo: Photo Alliance / SVEN SIMON)

The opinion of readers in the BZ survey is correspondingly clear: 64 percent say: Separation! Unfortunately, he no longer has a level in the German league.

In contrast, only 28% still hope he can still help Herta. The remaining eight per cent are so optimistic that they want to see him in the starting line-up.

Head coach Pal Darday (left) with Kevin-Prince Boateng.  He had muscle problems (Photo: picture alliance / dpa / dpa-Zentral)
Head coach Pal Darday (left) with Kevin-Prince Boateng. So far, the newcomer has not been able to help his coach (Photo: picture alliance / dpa / dpa-Zentral)

Hertha’s record with Boateng is worrying after seven days of matches: so far, he has been in the starting lineup four times and has been substituted four times (one substitute). Herta got two lean wins.

In the win over Fürth, Hertha was 1-0 down when he was on the field. After his substitution, Berlin turned the game around. His swing made Ekkelenkamp balance. And when they won in Bochum, Hertha was already ahead when Boateng disbanded.

I read here

► Herta is just great at running backwards

This is why the manager of Hertha Bobic gives Dardai a job guarantee

64% clear vote. Most fans seem to have Kevin-Prince almost Boateng already written off. Too early? There are still 27 league matches to play.

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