Home Top News Corona pandemic in Germany: Drosten urges more measures in addition to the emergency brakes – knowledge

Corona pandemic in Germany: Drosten urges more measures in addition to the emergency brakes – knowledge

Corona pandemic in Germany: Drosten urges more measures in addition to the emergency brakes – knowledge

Survey: Hospitals are reducing their normal operations due to Corona

According to a survey, the majority of hospitals (88 percent) are currently required to reduce their regular patient care by more than ten percent compared to the usual occupancy rate due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Almost half of them reported a decrease of more than 20 percent in inpatient cases, and a rapid survey by the German Hospital Institute (DKI) among 223 hospitals showed.

Come on in the coming weeks More extreme loads The chairman of the board of directors of the German Hospital Association (DKG), Gerald Jass, said Tuesday in Berlin. A third of the clinics surveyed consider an overburdening at their sites a possibility, so medically urgent individual cases should be referred to nearby hospitals.

14% expect that neither they nor the neighboring homes will be able to register all urgent medical casesGass’s eye is another result of the survey. “These numbers make it clear that politicians must act steadfastly in order to break the third wave,” said the head of the Clinics Association.

All in all, there is clearly no threat of overloading the systemBecause half of the hospitals stated that all medically urgent cases can be treated in the foreseeable future. 50% of the hospitals surveyed reported that the absence of staff due to Corona injuries or quarantine has decreased significantly compared to the second wave.

According to the information, the survey results are based on an online survey on April 8 and 9. 223 hospitals with 50 or more beds were surveyed in Germany. (epd)

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