A nursing home burns down in Weiser Hirsch – many injured

According to SF information, a fire broke out in the truss of the roof of the building at 6:15 p.m. A large haze is visible from a distance. The fire object is a residential building in which most of the elderly live, some of whom are disabled or bedridden. According to preliminary information, 16 injured people have been rescued. Those injured on suspicion of having inhaled the smoke are currently being cared for by rescue workers. Just after 8pm, the Dresden Fire Brigade announced on Twitter that the massacre had been reported on the SMS service “MANV2”. It describes an extraordinary incident where the normal rescue service was inadequate.

A tram and bus were arranged by the DVP to accommodate the people temporarily. Firefighters were engaged in an extensive firefighting effort. Four turntable ladders are currently in use for this purpose. Numerous teams were inside the building wearing respirators trying to put out the fire from inside. The fire has already spread from the upper floor to the third floor.

Others are believed to be on the property. “Therefore, all operations are focused on rescuing people. Due to the progress of the fire, not all areas can be entered,” said Michael Clohre, a spokesman for the fire department. Higher outdoor temperatures make it much harder to work. More than 100 firefighters must evacuate emergency services at short intervals to avoid exhaustion. They are currently on duty from the Dresden Fire Brigade.


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