This study, published by AP-HP, is the first to describe the day-to-day dynamics of COVID-19 symptoms. One of the most persistent signs over time is fatigue.
One year after a prolonged COVID-19 infection, 85% of patients still had at least one symptom, according to a study by Help Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) and the University of Paris Cité, Published April 5 in Nature Communications. In a press release published Friday, AP-HP explains that researchers have followed the evolution of “53 symptoms of long-term Covid disease, during its first year, in 968 patients infected with the virus.
A strong impact of the disease on personal life
It is estimated that about 10 to 15% of people infected with the Covid-19 virus have symptoms that last for several weeks. “This study is the first to describe the day-to-day dynamics of Long-Covid symptoms”, According to the researchers. The most common symptoms are fatigue, headache, and Fog-type mental concentration disorders.
One year after the onset of symptoms, 60% of patients reported a very significant impact of the disease on their personal, professional, and social lives.
Fatigue, which is one of the longest symptoms
According to this study, half of the symptoms (27 out of 53) are like Cough, smell and taste disturbances, discount ‘gradually over time’. For example, 40% of patients with long-term COVID-19 who develop taste disturbances two months after disease onset are only 20% one year after they test positive.
On the other hand, one of the most persistent symptoms over time is fatigue : “The number of long-term Covid patients with fatigue after two months remains the same after a year.”
Of the 53 shows that AP-HP has spotted, eight are getting stronger. There for example Hair loss or prick.
ComPaRe is taking advantage of the results of this study to launch a call for the participation of patients with prolonged COVID-19 disease. They can register by going to the site