Women blame US politicians: Abortion opponents under pressure

Women blame US politicians: Abortion opponents under pressure

Status: 27.10.2022 09:06 AM

Herschel Walker is a Republican candidate for the Georgia Senate and anti-abortion activist. Two women now accuse him of having illegitimate children with them in the past, who were aborted with his help.

Shortly before the US congressional elections, a Republican candidate from the US state of Georgia continued to get into trouble: Herschel Walker had positioned himself on the campaign trail as a staunch opponent of abortion. But a few weeks ago, he was upset by reports that he had paid to abort a woman who got pregnant with her. The woman told the Washington Post and The Daily Beast that Walker gave her money for an abortion in 2009. She wants proof of that, too. Walker denies this.

Now another woman has made similar claims: according to her statements, the ex-football player reportedly urged her to have an abortion. She got pregnant by Walker in 1993. Now she voiced her allegations at a Zoom conference with reporters organized by her lawyer Gloria Allred.

She does not believe Walker has the moral standing to be a senator, so she has spoken out and provided evidence. Walker dismissed the woman’s statements during an election campaign, calling them “nonsense” and “lies”. He won’t deal with that any more.

Both women wanted to remain anonymous to protect themselves and their families.

Trump supports Walker

During his campaign appearances in North Georgia, Walker hinted that Democrats might be behind the latest claim. They “say and do anything to stay in power,” he said. Among Walker’s supporters are former President Donald Trump.

Walker wants to challenge Democrat Raphael Warnock for the Georgia Senate seat. Opinion polls see both in a tight race that could influence a future majority in the Washington Senate.

Voting has already started in Georgia

About two years ago, the Democrats led by President Joe Biden seized the two Senate seats in Georgia, thus securing control of the House of Representatives again years later. Each of the political camps has 50 seats in the Senate, but in the event of a tie, Vice President Kamala Harris can vote for the Democrats.

In Georgia, residents have been able to vote since Monday last week, when the actual election date is November 8th. About a million votes have been cast so far, Secretary of State Brad Ravensberger, who is in charge of the elections, announced yesterday.


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