Home entertainment Who will win the battle of Morbius against Venom? Jared Leto gives us the final answer – Kino News

Who will win the battle of Morbius against Venom? Jared Leto gives us the final answer – Kino News

Who will win the battle of Morbius against Venom?  Jared Leto gives us the final answer – Kino News

Jared Leto makes his Marvel Universe debut with Morbius. We caught up with the Oscar winner for an interview and talked to him about the anti-vampire hero and his chances of taking on Venom.

Sony Pictures

The world of the Marvel movie is already amazing with countless big stars, but the end of the road is not reached here yet. Latest high profile addition now Oscar winner Jared Leto, who has been baring his teeth on the big screen since March 31, 2022 as a vampire comedian in Morbius. Leto himself still can’t believe he’s a part of the Marvel universe now, as he reveals to FILMSTARTS when we meet him for an interview in Berlin – even face-to-face and not just on a computer screen.

As scientist Michael Morbius, he developed supernatural powers after a risky self-experiment, which, according to Leto, could easily compete with Tom Hardy’s Venom. It’s not out of the question that we’ll see this fight someday, given that both antagonistic heroes are part of Marvel’s growing universe of Sony characters from the Spider-Man comics, which are (largely) separate from Disney’s MCU.

Of course, we also want to know from him if Leto wants to mess with Spidey himself as well as Venom and how he feels about the eternal comedic battle between Marvel and DC…

Difficult flying hours

Film beginnings: How did you get the role of Morbius? Could this have something to do with the fact that at 50 you still look like a man in your 30s?

Jared Leto: Maybe the studio thought I really was a vampire. But I think they just wanted the best actor they could get, #1. I’m not saying that’s what they got, but they also wanted someone a little different, an unexpected person, a wildcard. And there’s a twist in the movie and they probably found that very fitting for me.

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Film beginnings: You are known for meticulous preparation for your roles, sometimes in very unusual ways of acting. Was this also the case with ‘Morbius’ or how did you handle the role?

Jared Leto: I approached it like nothing else. I was definitely very excited about this opportunity, especially since it’s the first time Morbius has come to the big screen. It was very interesting to have some responsibility for this character, kind of composing. So I delved into the source material, the storyboards, and the whole story. I spent time with scientists and doctors to understand the conditions and terms and how to behave in the lab… Then I learned to fly, and that was very difficult.

The beginnings of the movie: I can imagine it, but you succeeded in the end with flying colors.

Jared Leto: Thank you so much.

Film beginnings: What else impressed you about this role?

Jared Leto: the transformation he is going through. From a weak sick scientist to a strong and healthy person, he eventually becomes brutal and powerful. It was basically three roles in one.

Movie Begins: Does Morbius the beast come entirely from the computer or was the mask used as well?

Jared Leto: These are computer effects. We briefly thought about doing this with practical implications, but in the end I was glad that CGI was used. This gave us more freedom to surprise the audience and also surprise ourselves with the transformation.

Morbius vs Venom and Spider-Man?

The movie begins: Who will win a battle? Poison or Morbius?

Jared Leto: Obsessed of course! (He laughs)

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The movie begins: Why is this?

Jared Leto: It’s a bit about who has better fighting odds, the crazy guy or the smart guy. With Morbius, you get a little bit of both. It will definitely be an exciting battle.

The movie begins: Would you like it?

Jared Leto: Oh yeah, sure!

Movie Begins: What about Spider-Man? Would you like to mess with him too, maybe in Sinister Six? After all, Morbius is originally a Spidey villain.

Jared Leto: This at least sounds like a lot of fun. All the characters I’d like to see together. And it would be great to work with all these wonderful actors.

Early Movies: Which Spider-Man would you like to rival the most? Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield or Tobey Maguire?

Jared Leto: Tom Holland’s Spider-Man is very special. It’s a new chapter like Morbius. That would be a good feeling.

Film beginnings: “Morbius” was originally supposed to be released in the summer of 2020. Has the movie changed since then or is it exactly the movie that was supposed to be shown at the time?

Jared Leto: There may have been slight changes, but it’s the movie we set out to make. But we shot the last scene a little later.

Closing credits explained from “Morbius”

Movie Beginnings: Since you’ve already played Joker and are now Morbius, you’ve seen both sides of the great comic battle, so you can safely state once and for all which is better: DC or Marvel?

Jared Leto: There are great personalities, actors, and filmmakers on both sides. I’m very hesitant when it comes to these two, but I’m on Team Marvel now. It’s crazy to say, I’ve never said it out loud before. I am so happy to be a part of this universe. I look at the label and it’s crazy to see my name there and know it’s a new character. It’s really exciting. I do a lot of indie films and demanding acting work, and I’m packing [„Morbius“] In line with that when it comes to the sheer process and how it felt.

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The movie begins: Is there a chance we’ll see you again someday as a poker?

Jared Leto: No one should ever say.


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