Friday, January 31, 2025
HomescienceWhat we know about the "very rare alternative" observed in Bordeaux

What we know about the “very rare alternative” observed in Bordeaux

alternative ‘Do not resist vaccination’, according to Beno Elt Elleboode, Director of the Regional Health Agency Nouvelle-Aquitaine. After discovering a variety of positive people “very rare” SARS-CoV-2 has been identified in Bordeaux (Gironde), and health authorities are preparing to open vaccination to all major residents in the Bacalan district and surrounding areas. Franceinfo is assessing the situation.

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Family reunion in the parent group

So far, at least 46 people have been identified as positive for a variable monitored by health authorities. The block, spotted on Thursday, was spotted, and authorities quickly seized it. The number of infected people could increase due to the launch of a large-scale screening campaign in the Bacalan region, North Bordeaux. The results of Friday, the first day of the mega-show, are not yet known.

Limit the research conducted by Medicare “Two strings of transmissions are linked to each other”Patrick Duhail, Medical Advisor to the Director of ARS, said, In France 3 Nouvelle-Aquitaine. The contamination could have happened during the family reunion on May 8, France Bleu Reports. Then the virus spread to Charles Martin School, where ten children tested positive. As a precaution, the facility has been temporarily closed.

It is derived from the variable B.1.1.7 defined in the United Kingdom

The variable in the origin of these contaminations is called “VOC 20I / 484Q”. VOCs for the term “variable of concern” in English, meaning “variable of concern”. Although not very common, it is monitored because it is a derivative of the UK-defined B.1.1.7 variant and has an additional mutation (E484Q) that is suspected to make it more transmissible.

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“This variant was sequentially identified at Purdue University Hospital, and this is a confirmation with Lyon CNR,” Professor Patrick Dahil explained to France 3 Nouvelle Aquitaine. The Lyon Center should be investigating now More detailed whole genome analysis Why the alternative.

This is a variable that has already been identified at the national level, but so far very rare. ”Patrick Duhail identifies. he is “They have only been detected in rare isolated cases in Auvergne, Rhone-Alpes, Grand Est and Ile-de-France. However, recently clusters have been identified in Ile-de-France and Nouvelle-Aquitaine.”, France public health locator in His latest update is on emerging variants. Obviously, there was no such group in the general population., Patrick Dahil notes.

The alternative a priori is not more dangerous

Data on the portability or severity of this variable is still not available. But health authorities want to be reassured. Polluted people They are rather young men who do not have serious forms and are not hospitalized. ”Benoit Ellebody explained, Director of the Regional Health Agency Nouvelle-Aquitaine, to franceinfo. “It is somewhat reassuring. It gives elements that indicate that this alternative is not resistant to vaccination, as it appears that the elderly, who have been vaccinated with more than 80% of those over 65 and more than 50% of those over the age of 50, were not. Are infected with this virus. “.

An upcoming vaccination for all major residents of the area

To stop the spread of this virus, health authorities have taken measures with an important screening device and looking for all possible cases of contact. At the same time, the Regional Health Agency, together with the Ministry of Health, are preparing for a rapid vaccination campaign in the concerned region. In all,An additional 15,000 doses of the vaccine will arrive within three weeks, of which 5,000 doses will start next week., Detailed by Benoit Ellebody to France Info on Saturday.

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Zoe Barker
Zoe Barker
"Writer. Analyst. Avid travel maven. Devoted twitter guru. Unapologetic pop culture expert. General zombie enthusiast."

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