Vaccination commitment in La Rochelle hospital: suspension of five agents

Of the 6,028 Atlantic Coast Hospital Group clients, five were suspended because they did not provide proof of vaccination

Since Wednesday, September 15, the vaccination obligation for health workers has come into force in France. To be able to work, caregivers, firefighters and paramedics must have received at least one dose of the vaccine. If not, the staff will be suspended. At the level of the Littoral Atlantique Group of Hospitals (which combines La Rochelle and Rochefort institutions), “of the 6,028 agents, 128 people expected to work within the next 15 days did not provide proof,” the department specifies in communication. The administration conducted interviews with the relevant officers. “Today (Wednesday, September 15) the group of hospitals was forced to suspend five people,” the statement said.

However, management ensures “that difficulties are identified in the early stages in order to allow continuity of care. […] Therefore, today there are no consequences for the work and activity of enterprises. “

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