Home Tech Twitch star Shroud says he doesn’t care what’s missing

Twitch star Shroud says he doesn’t care what’s missing

Twitch star Shroud says he doesn’t care what’s missing

Streamer Michael “Shroud” Grzesiek is one of the biggest live streamers on Twitch and has a particular fondness for MMOs. For several months he spent a lot of time with New World, among other things, and organized several live broadcasts with her. Long-awaited by many fans missing coffin Leaves it completely cool. Recently explained the reasons in more detail.

That’s why he doesn’t like Shroud Lost Ark very much

During a recent live broadcast, a viewer wondered why Shroud No interest in Lost Ark It shows, although it’s a big topic right now. After a short pause for thought, the operator did not explain his reasons in great detail, but they were certainly understandable: “You’re curious why I’m not interested in Lost Ark? I’m not a fan of this style. I’m not a fan of this overrated style. The combat system doesn’t really appeal to me either.”

In all likelihood, Shroud plays on very effective and somewhat exaggerated animations at times Battles of the Lost Ark employment. Perhaps these do not correspond to his personal taste. By the way, during the live broadcast, the operator explained that he would find it a pity that Lost Ark did not interest him, since in principle it could be quite suitable as a kind of “gap filler”.


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