These five nutrients could be missing

Our skin is our largest organ and acts as an important barrier. It protects us from UV rays, moisture loss and free radicals. However, if our skin is dry, the protective barrier is disturbed. The consequences: It is more susceptible to bacteria, viruses or fungi and can become infected more quickly. There can be a risk of developing painful skin eczema with redness, swelling and blisters.

There are many causes of dry skin

Our skin tends to become dry, cracked, tight and itchy especially in the winter season. This is primarily due to the cold, which is intended to ensure that the sebaceous glands in the skin produce less sebum. Diseases such as hypothyroidism or diabetes, hormonal influences and improper skin care can also lead to dry skin.

But did you think that a lack of nutrients could also be responsible for our dry skin? We will explain to you what vitamins and minerals to consider and which foods contain them.

These four missing nutrients can cause dry skin

Nutrient deficiencies can have many causes. On the other hand, an unbalanced diet can lead to not getting enough vitamins and minerals. On the other hand, we may simply not be able to cover our needs. This can be the case, for example, in old age, during pregnancy, or with athletes.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is essential for well-groomed skin. Retinol supports the formation of keratinocytes and stimulates sebum production. You can recognize the deficiency not only in dry skin, but also in redness, blemishes, and increased callus formation.

Sources of Vitamin A:

  • Animal foods such as liver, fish, eggs and dairy products.
  • Vegetable sources are red and orange vegetables, spinach, broccoli and apricots.


In order for our skin barrier to remain intact, it needs zinc. In addition, the trace element is important for skin regeneration. If supplies are in short supply, your skin tends to become inflamed and dry.

Sources of zinc:

  • Animal foods such as shellfish, beef liver, and cheese.
  • Vegetable suppliers are pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds, oatmeal, nuts and lentils.

Continue reading: Zinc Deficiency – These Symptoms Can Occur >>

Omega-3 fatty acids

Healthy polyunsaturated fatty acids play an important role in metabolism. For example, they protect the heart and are involved in building body cells – and therefore skin cells as well. The deficiency becomes noticeable through dry skin, and the scalp can tend to dandruff.

Sources of omega-3 fatty acids:

  • Animal foods such as oily fish (herring, mackerel, salmon).
  • Plant sources are flaxseed, walnut, hemp, and vegetable oils such as rapeseed or wheat germ oil.

Vitamin B7 / Biotin

In order to better maintain skin moisture, it should not lose vitamin B7 or biotin. Many associate the beauty vitamin with healthy hair in particular. It also has a positive effect on your skin by regulating sebum secretion, preventing inflammation and blemishes, and supporting the skin’s moisture content.

Sources of Vitamin B7:

  • Animal foods such as offal, red fish, eggs, milk and cheese.
  • Vegetable suppliers are oatmeal, nuts and legumes.

Vitamin B9 / Folic Acid

Vitamin B9, also known as folic acid, plays an equally important role. Everyone who thinks of folic acid immediately thinks of its effect on pregnancy, because the vitamin is important for preventing deformities in the baby. Apart from that, Vitamin B9 also increases the moisture levels in our skin and also ensures its elasticity. So dry skin can be one of the consequences of folic acid deficiency.

Sources of Vitamin B9:

  • spinach
  • Tomatoes
  • legumes
  • Nuts
  • orange
  • sprouts
  • wheat germ
  • Whole grain products

Also important: drink plenty of water

To quench the thirst of dry skin, be sure to drink enough fluids. Drink at least 2 liters of water throughout the day.


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