There is a buzz in Lörrach, Freiburg and Mulhouse – SWR Aktuell

There is a buzz in Lörrach, Freiburg and Mulhouse – SWR Aktuell

Two tremors in Alsace, which were also seen in the south of Baden-Württemberg, caused an uproar on Saturday evening. Damage has not yet been reported.

In the south of Baden-Württemberg and in the adjacent border areas, the ground shook early on Saturday evening. Several seismic services have reported two earthquakes of magnitude 4.6 and 2.5. Many people noticed the shock and reported it to the police, for example, to SWR social media channels. Corresponding searches on Google have skyrocketed.

So far nothing is known about the damage. A spokesman for the Freiburg police told SWR he had no reports of this. However, many concerned citizens called the police after the earthquakes.

“Hi. I just felt a decent earthquake here in Efringenkirchen. Do you know what? Greetings.”

I felt two tremors

Sea Southwest Earthquake Service The first impact was recorded in the Lörrach area at 5:58 pm, and it reached 4.6 on the Richter scale. About ten minutes later, there was a second shot, this time with a 2.5. The shocks were also clearly noticeable in large parts of southern Baden – also partly in the region of Tübingen. According to the seismological center, the total radius should have been 120 kilometers.

“You think the usual: A truck gets into the building. I’ve already started collecting my things to run out.”

I grew up near Mulhouse

subordinate Swiss seismological service She reported 4.7 and 2.8 earthquakes, respectively, and the localization of the earthquake at Serenitz, near Mulhouse (Mulhouse). The city is located in Alsace about 60 kilometers southwest of Freiburg.

The source of the tremors was located at a depth of eight kilometers. According to scientists from Switzerland, there were several small earthquakes just before the strongest one. The earthquake was also felt in the Swiss capital, Bern.

In a Catholic church in Weil am Rhein (Lörrach district), visitors were surprised by the earthquake that occurred shortly before the start of the service. As eyewitnesses described to SWR, it looked as if the church was shaking.

“Thank God and grabbed my bag – I was going to run out the next time I hit it.”

I shivered recently in Liechtenstein

Just a week ago, an earthquake in Liechtenstein caused an uproar of magnitude 4.1. The earthquake was felt near Lake Constance. There were no injuries or property damage. During the earthquake, the state parliament in the small country debated – of all things, earthquake insurance.

Strongest earthquake in biological weapons since 2004

Earthquakes in the region are more common, although peaks generally remain below 2.0 on the Richter scale. According to the seismological service, Saturday’s earthquake is the strongest in Germany since 2004. At that time, a 5.4-magnitude earthquake near Waldkirch (Emmenden region) woke people up at night. Small tremors were felt as far away as the state capital, Stuttgart.

The earthquake that occurred in the Swabian Alb in 1978 had a magnitude of 5.7. Thousands of buildings were damaged at that time, including the Hohenzollern Castle in the Zollernalb district.


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