A 4.7-magnitude earthquake hits the South Baden region – the epicenter in the Alsace region – in the southwest of the country

A 4.7-magnitude earthquake hits the South Baden region – the epicenter in the Alsace region – in the southwest of the country

The earth shook twice on Saturday in southern Alsace. The first tremor can be felt as far away as Ortenau and the Upper Black Forest. Nothing is known about the damage in the area.

The first and most intense earthquake occurred at 5:58 p.m. The epicenter was in the municipality of Kempes in the Haut-Rhin department, south of Mulhouse. The Swiss Natural Hazards Gateway reports a strength of 4.7 on the Richter scale. The earthquake was felt in large parts of northwest Switzerland.

The sofa was swaying. Visualization in Offenburg

The earthquake in Baden-Württemberg was also recorded by many people: in the region of Rach and in Markgerflerland, but also in the region of Freiburg and in the Emmenden region, the earthquake was clearly noticeable. on me Badische Zeitung Facebook page Readers from the Upper Black Forest, Ortenau and Waldshut also reported that the ground shook. “I can feel it very clearly,” a woman from Dresamttal east of Freiburg, for example, wrote. “The sofa swayed a lot,” says one Facebook user from the Offenburg area. A user from the Larch region rated the quake as “short but clear”.

Experts confirm this statement: the Seismological Service of the State of Baden-Württemberg reported that the earthquake was probably felt within a radius of 120 km and gives a magnitude of 4.6. Moderate damage is possible at this level.

The second tremor was much softer

The earthquake was classified as hazard level 2 (medium hazard). In the open air, such an earthquake is felt in isolated cases, but in buildings by many people. In general, damages to buildings are not expected.

According to Switzerland’s Natural Hazards Portal, the earth shook again at 6:07 p.m., this time with a magnitude of 2.5. It is classified as level 1 (no or little danger) and is said to have been most notable in the Basel region.

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Minor earthquakes shake the area repeatedly

The Upper Rheingraben is an area known for earthquake risk. Small earthquakes have frequently shook the area between the Black Forest and the Vosges in recent years. The deadliest earthquake in past centuries was a long time ago: in 1356 earthquakes largely destroyed the city of Basel. According to expert estimates, the magnitude of this earthquake was 6.2.

Updated at 10:45 AM

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