The Wild Desire of the Weekend 2023 Was Too Wild |

The Wild Desire of the Weekend 2023 Was Too Wild |

Status: 02/26/2023 8:00 PM

58 hours, 700 songs and always in a good mood – that was Wilde Wunsch’s weekend with Suzanne Nyss, Andreas Kuhlag, Michael Thornau and Kaya Laess.

What a weekend! Whether it’s Amigos, AC-DC, Heino, Hendrix, Zaz or Zander – we play 700 music requests. It doesn’t matter if it’s pop or classical, thumps or hip hop, jazz or hard rock. The Crazy Fours performed their songs non-stop for 58 hours: Suzanne News, Andreas Kuhlough, Michael Thornau, and Kaya Lass. This was the wildest mix since there was Radio!

Wild Wishes Hits the Fun with Suzanne Nyuse, Andreas Kuhlag, Michael Thornau, and Kaya Lace

Holiday vibes popped up in the studio: with a beach chair, colorful garlands, and an inflatable palm island. In the evenings there was a special kind of snack, in which the stewards sampled various insects: house crickets, mealworms and even European locusts. There is something to celebrate on the first night: it was Andreas Kuhlag’s birthday! Friday night was celebrated with cake and singing. In the morning, Kaya Lass and Michael Thurnau play duck hunting WWW – with reports on Kaya! In the afternoon, the Christmas present has been redeemed: Andreas Kohlag and Suzanne Neu go karting together!

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Susan Noyce with Radio Duck.  © NDR Photo: Luisa Müller

For Wild Desire Weekend 2023, we’re playing the cult-popular game with quirky messages about psychics. Test your knowledge of the four madmen! a test

The fun didn’t stop on day three either: In the morning, the Temperance team was locked in the escape studio. They could only escape with the help of the listeners. In the afternoon, Michael Thornau has to go to the bingo studio. Also at WWW-Studio people cheer and play bingo. And after 58 hours of fun and good spirits, the 2023 Weekend Wild Desire is already over – we’re already looking forward to the next time!

Win a dream trip or dabby

Of all the participants, NDR 1 offers Lower Saxony a €5,000 dream trip: North Pole or Antigua, Italy or Indonesia, Portugal or Peru? No matter where, no matter what – you can design your own personal dream trip. The winner will be announced on Monday 27th February at 7.20am Learn about Hellwach. We also raffled off Ten Dabbi – the good mood radio – from NDR 1 Lower Saxony at the weekend. Here are the terms of participation.

Kaya Lass took you to the studio

Shortly before the end: Kaya Laß shows you live what a WWW studio looks like!

This topic in the program:

NDR 1 Lower Saxony | 02/24/2023 | 10:00 a.m

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