Home science The Scientific Council warns of a sense of “false security”

The Scientific Council warns of a sense of “false security”

The Scientific Council warns of a sense of “false security”

The Scientific Council strongly encouraged the application of the health permit, which gave, last July, a favorite opinion to me The bill was adopted on August 5 by Parliament. A few days later, the council described its founding as ” proportional ” And'” adaptation ».

A health declaration is not a blank check

in a his last opinion Worthy “
End of summer period and health permit
“, published on August 20 and published on Friday August 27, the latter confirmed again” The health pass, despite the legitimate reservations raised by a number of organizations and citizens, seems to us a measure commensurate with the seriousness of the situation at the level of public health. ».

However, President Jean-Francois Delfraissy and his team Alert for a possible sense of false security that may be caused by this hygienic procedure. The opinion He does not agree to tighten controls From health permit, analyze it” Strengthening oversight of health card compliance or even striving for absolute compliance can make its users mistakenly believe that they are fully protected and think that this should be avoided. ».

Interview on BFM-TV On this topic, Bruno Lina, Professor of Virology at Hospices Civils de Lyon and member of the Scientific Council, asserts that “ What we don’t want is the health card to become a blank check to stop using other barrier measures. »

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Delta variable warning

« Not because we all with a health card should be entirely possible to drop the mask, to stop taking hygiene measures. All this would be wrong because with the delta variant, the incubation times are much shorter, and as said in the review, the 72-hour test can sometimes be wrong if one is right. contaminated, it is possible that within 72 hours it will begin to clear the virus and potentially contagious It warns.

Board regrets the “comprehensive relaxation” of barrier gestures

And the Scientific Council repeats it again,” Barrier gestures should be respected as much as possible even in places with a sanitary corridor, especially for people most at risk. ».

Earlier in the year, the latter had already expressed his regrets” colossal looseness » Signs of the barrier in France a relaxation confirmed by The CoviPrev survey was conducted from June 21 to 28, which showed that respondents’ adoption of social distancing was less and less followed.

And therefore , 66% of respondents to this study say they greet each other without shaking hands and always avoid hugs, compared to 72% according to the previous survey.While 37% of them said that they avoid face-to-face meetings with relatives, compared to 43% previously.


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