Home science The number of cases is still rising, and the situation is stable in hospitals

The number of cases is still rising, and the situation is stable in hospitals

The number of cases is still rising, and the situation is stable in hospitals

The increase in positive Covid-19 cases in France continues. The average number of infected people, calculated over a week, continues to increase, but hospitalization remains stable, according to data from Public Health France published on Sunday.

And the laboratories recorded 110,174 cases of contamination within 24 hours, compared to 139,517 the day before and 81,283 the previous week. The seven-day daily average, which cushions the daily shocks, is 127,488 versus 89,002 the previous Sunday. The situation is almost stable in hospitals, which registered 20,606 Covid-19 patients on Sunday (20,532 the day before, 20,566 last week).

292 new patients in hospital

And hospitals received 292 new Covid patients on Sunday, compared to 619 on Saturday and 323 last Sunday. And there are 1,486 patients in the intensive care units, which treat the most severe cases, according to Sunday’s figures, almost identical to that the day before (1481) and lower than that the previous week (1642).

During the past 24 hours, 25 deaths were recorded, bringing to 141,672 the number of people who succumbed to the disease in France since the beginning of the epidemic more than two years ago, in hospitals, in nursing homes or in other medicine. Social institutions.

In terms of vaccination, a total of 54.25 million people received at least one injection (80.5% of the total population), 53.34 received a full vaccination schedule (79.1%) and 39.48 million received a booster dose.

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