Social media campaign in the Mettmann district
The menu provides a list of police fines
Medman District Blue Light menu for 55 euros, “70 km / h in the city” fast food for 800 euros – has transformed the new list of police fines in Medman into menu form, which was a success on social media.
Within an hour, the Facebook post of the Medman District Police was shared 500 times and 1000 users had “Liked” – this extraordinary menu was very well received by social media users.
Police spokesman Daniel Uber had the idea of providing a list of applicable fines in this way starting this Tuesday. The Blue Light menu is available for 55 euros, for example (“Our popular meal for all fans of the fire brigade who want to park on the fire brigade driveway. Attention: Extra charge for the disabled: 100 euros in total”), a “special” police station “The Orientierungslose” (inland Driving backwards is useless and annoying. Popular menu at Poser Show “),” Wrong way “under the heading” New foods “(” For our electronic guests who use the sidewalk or bicycle illegally with their bicycles or e-scooters “) All prices November 9 is valid from.
“Our goal was to make the new list of fines public on social media,” explains Daniel Uber. It finally took him 20 minutes to implement the idea. A mistake can easily happen: if you travel at 16 km per hour, you do not have to calculate any point. The police menu says differently. “But no menu errors …!?” The police spokesman asks.
The new contribution of the Medman District Police is on track to become the most popular post on social media titled The List of Penalties. For two and a half years, they have been bringing facts or legal amendments to users in a very entertaining way.
The title of the dog in the locked car was the best contribution so far. This post was shown to 1.5 million people with 6,500 likes.
Under the menu on Facebook you can often find positive comments: “A successful menu. Even if one or the other food appeals to me the most, I hope I will resist the temptation, ”one user writes. Another comment: “Well presented. You always have the best ideas. “But some users evaluate the content and write, for example, the fines are still low, while others post” rip-offs “.
Anyway, Daniel Uber will notice any reaction on the menu penalty table. “We as the police have to sift through every concept,” he explains. It should be a long evening.