Home Top News The home office raises electricity bills by up to 94 euros

The home office raises electricity bills by up to 94 euros

The home office raises electricity bills by up to 94 euros

Munich / BerlinIn the home office, an employee’s electricity bill increases to 94 euros a year, according to the Check24 comparison portal. “Running a laptop, monitor, desk lamp, kettle or coffee maker every day and using an electric oven or microwave can cost about 25 to 43 cents more,” it said in a statement on Wednesday.

By calculation, an employee works from home 220 days a year, on holidays and public holidays, and pays an average of 33.9 cents per kilowatt hour of electricity. At the moment, he operates a laptop (0.12 kWh), a monitor (0.24 kWh) and an LED desk lamp (0.056 kWh) for eight hours a day. He uses a kettle (0.33 kWh) for ten minutes or a coffee machine (0.25 kWh) and an electric oven (0.5 kWh) for half an hour or a microwave (0.066 kWh) for five minutes. “Charging a smartphone does not contribute to additional costs in the home office. Because you only have to pay 0.3 cents for a charging process, ”Check24 energy experts explained.

It is not clear how many employees in Germany work from home. In the summer of 2021, the ifo institute in Munich provided about 25 percent.

From 2021: Home office flat-rate tax deduction

Check24 does not account for any additional costs for heating, water or internet. During the current year, employees can deduct up to 600 euros from their home office total as income-related expenses or business expenses: five euros per day working in the home office for a maximum of 120 days a year.

Bavarian Finance Minister Albert Frocker has called on the new federal government to continue with the home office flat rate, which expired later this year. Citizens wanted to know “what can be done next year or what to prepare for,” the CSU politician said Wednesday. Bavaria is committed to providing a total of 1000 euros a year because the work world has changed due to the epidemic.

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