The government crisis in Italy: The Draghi government threatens the beginning of the end

The government crisis in Italy: The Draghi government threatens the beginning of the end

Status: 07/14/2022 1:52 PM

The governmental crisis continues to threaten Italy: efforts by some parties to avoid a vote of confidence have failed.
The Five Star Movement announced that it would not support the multi-party government.

In Italy, the government of Prime Minister Mario Draghi is still threatened with rupture. Efforts by some parties to bypass the vote of confidence on the economic stimulus package scheduled for today in the Senate have failed, said Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Federico de Inca. In a conversation with D’Inca of the Five Star movement, Draghi indicated that he considers a vote in the Senate as the only viable option. This is due to happen after a discussion later in the day.

And party circles said earlier that some parties are trying to avoid the collapse of the ruling coalition. Two people familiar with the considerations said there are considerations that the package should not be voted on as a whole, but on individual articles. But it also means that the Five Star Movement will withdraw the demands it had made as a condition of remaining in the coalition. The economic stimulus package aims to support families and businesses in overcoming the energy crisis. If the Five Star Movement does not vote as announced on Wednesday, the government will not get a majority. The result will be a rupture in the coalition.

The Five Star Movement calls for more generous comfort

For weeks, the Five Star Movement leadership has been critical of the government’s priorities in the planned distribution of aid money. The party is calling for more generous subsidies for families and businesses that have been hit particularly hard by rising energy costs. The Five Star Movement is also calling for more guaranteed monthly stipends to be paid to those who cannot find work.

On Monday, the party abstained from voting on the bill in the House of Representatives, but supported the government in the previous vote of confidence. But in the Senate, the draft and the vote of confidence cannot be voted on separately.

Other parties can withdraw their support from my riders

The leader of the right-wing Lega party, Matteo Salvini, has announced that he will no longer support Draghi if the Five Star Movement leaves the alliance. Early elections are the best solution. According to partisan circles, the Democratic Party is also not ready to form a new government without the Five Star Movement. Draghi himself would have announced his resignation if the Five Star Movement ended the alliance.

A new parliament will be elected in Italy in the first half of next year. Elections can be submitted to the fall. However, this may be unusual, as this is the time when the budget, which must be approved by the end of the year, is traditionally prepared.


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