Home Top News The development of severe smoke due to fire: c | NDR.de – News

The development of severe smoke due to fire: c | NDR.de – News

The development of severe smoke due to fire: c |  NDR.de – News

Status: 12/22/2021 11:00 am

A fire broke out Wednesday in the outer hall of a restaurant in Hamburg-Ohlsdorf. Traffic on the U1 underground was disrupted by heavy smoke.

A spokesman for the fire department said the entire hall was burning 10 to 20 meters. Firefighters are battling a fire with about 75 men and women in the Hamburg-Allstorf area. The cause of the fire and the extent of the damage are not yet clear.

Residents should keep windows and doors closed

Due to the strong smoke growth, the fire brigade has issued an official warning: People in Ohlsdorf, Hummelsbüttel, Langenhorn, Fuhlsbüttel and Groß Borstel may be affected by the smoke from the fire. The cloud of smoke is moving north. Firefighters recommend avoiding the affected area – residents of Fuhlsbüttel and Ohlsdorf should keep windows and doors closed.

Find NDR 90.3 Reporter Kessler © NDR Photo: Screenshot

Audio: Great fire in Ohlsdorf: adverse effects of smoke growth (1 min)

Underground traffic was light at this time of night in U1

Underground traffic between Fuhlsbüttel-Nord and Ohlsdorf on the U1 route is currently blocked due to smoke. According to Hochbahn, alternative transport will be set up. In addition, the nearby Albert-Switzer-Gymnasium was evacuated. According to the fire department, the students were never in danger.

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NDR 90.3 | NDR 90.3 Current | 22.12.2021 | 11:00 p.m.

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