Home science The closing of the last four vaccination centers on March 31,

The closing of the last four vaccination centers on March 31,

The closing of the last four vaccination centers on March 31,

Attendance at vaccination centers in Reunion has continued to decline in recent weeks. Therefore the vaccine offer is being reorganized in the Region. The regional health agency announces the closure of four other vaccination centers.

Vaccination centers are empty week by week. Attendance rate decreased.

As a result, the ARS is gradually closing the vaccination centers on the island. After the vaccination centers in Saint André, Saint Joseph and Lutambon were closed on February 28, four more centers will close their doors from the evening of March 31:

  • Saint-Denis, Nordiv
  • Saint-Pierre, Raven Blanche (Central CHU)
  • St. Paul, former residence of Gabriel Martin (CHOR Center)
  • Saint Benoit, other than

From April 1, Reunionese will be able to continue their vaccinations with their doctor, pharmacist, nurse or city midwife.

Liberal health professionals have contributed 516,944 injections against Covid-19 so far, or more than 36% of the island’s vaccines.

Novavax does not use Messenger RNA technology. Available in Reunion since March 4th, and to be offered from March 18th, by volunteer pharmacists and city professionals.

The first distribution to community pharmacists will start tomorrow and continue until Wednesday, March 23.

On March 14, 559,359 eligible residents of Reunion had their initial vaccination schedule, which represents more than 70% of people aged over 5 years.

Thus, vaccination centers and various local operations made it possible to perform more than 1,420,600 injections in Reunion.

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