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HomeTop NewsSummer house of stars: Jana Pallaske's crazy flower campaign stuns roommates

Summer house of stars: Jana Pallaske’s crazy flower campaign stuns roommates

Jana Ballaske was interested before going to “I love nature”, “Summer Home of the Stars” – her roommates were able to see themselves (photo gallery)

Image Future Image / Imago & Screen Shots / RDL / Somerhas Der Stars

Things are getting spiritual in the “summer home of the stars”: Jana Ballaske and her partner Sasha Kirnt, two very nature-loving roommates settled in the famous apartment in Pocholt — and quickly draw attention: the 42-year-old actress speaks to the flowers in the garden of the house.

Pocholt – In Episode 4, Previous Residents “Summer house of stars“I welcome a new celebrity couple to their lineup: Actress Jana Pallaske, 42, goes to Bochsolt with her partner Sacha Kirnt (44) – and quickly gets a name for herself. Reported by from IPPEN.MEDIA.

A few glances are enough to recognize that the 42-year-old “Fake Ju Kohde” actress is a person who especially loves nature. It refers to the native Berliner Prove immediately: Be in the garden of the house Other participants Witness the Flowers Speaking Witness – Strange!

At the “Summer Home of the Stars”, actress Jana Pallaske announced that she wanted to “interact with various creatures” – so talked to the flowers in the garden of the house

Reen Screenshot / RTL / Sommerhaus Der Stars

Summer House of the Stars: Jana Pallaske moves to the famous flat – and talks to the flowers there

“We humans are pure nature. Nature is a big, embracing part of our relationship,” Jana Ballaske introduces herself and her partner, stuntman Sasha Kirt. The first “Summer House of the Stars” latecomers This season, viewers should be reminded that last year’s runners-up Diana Harold (47) and Michael Tomashutsky (49) – were once known as ‘Team Spirit’. In fact, Jana in particular is by no means inferior to both in terms of her spiritual state of mind. Famous flat stock for them (All broadcast times at a glance) “Adventure-Zen-Retreat” -Aha!

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Jana Pallaske’s visit to the “summer home of the stars” could have been a little more loving. Other celebrities aren’t exactly interested in wanderers, initially treating nature-loving couples with a little skepticism – but that’s not a problem:

At first, the actress did not show much interest in her human roommates, instead she was delighted with the animal’s neighbors next door (“It’s so good with the buffalo!”) And finally found lush greenery in the house garden. “When I come to a new place: interact with different creatures,” he explains and eagerly storms towards a bush with flowers.

Summer House of the Stars: Jana Pallaske Contacts Flowers – Almklass and Co stunned

It’s not clear whether the relationship will be successful – Jana Pallaske’s rivals are very surprised: “boy, boy, boy”, Mola Adebici (48), missing the words for the first time in “Summer House”. The stars “- despite the confrontation with the rebel Mike Cheese-Monpalgin (33).
“It simply came to our notice then.

She’s completely fragile, “says Almklus C (51), summarizing the situation, and Mola reunites:” This is a different plan, “he explains.

Eric Daniel
Eric Daniel
"Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Bacon ninja. Music specialist. Twitter nerd."

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