Home Top News Suddenly Bundestack’s vice president – the rise of a Saxon CDU politician

Suddenly Bundestack’s vice president – the rise of a Saxon CDU politician

Suddenly Bundestack’s vice president – the rise of a Saxon CDU politician

Berlin. Almost at the last minute, Yvonne McVeigh moved forward: just the day before the new Bundestack constitution, the Union Parliamentary Committee surprisingly appointed the 41-year-old as Bundestock’s vice president. On the same day, he got the best result by getting 600 votes in the vote on the vice presidents.

Saxon is the youngest of the delegates to the second state office after the federal president. Female, East German, young – so far this is not a classic professional mix in the union.

The sociologist benefited from the stalemate between the West Germans: Annette Widmann-Mauz, president of the Women’s Union and former Minister for Co-ordination, and former Minister of Culture Monika Grütters could not reach an agreement. Former parliamentary committee chairman Michael Grosse-Brömer, former health minister Hermann Gröhe (both CDU) and former parliamentary vice-chairman Hans-Peter Friedrich (CSU) were also interested in the post.

However, so far only men have been considered for the post of CDU party and union parliamentary committee chairperson – at most, if there is no chance of a dual leadership in the party, a woman may come. Magvas himself helped to ensure that this was now considered unbalanced in the union.

During the last election she was chairperson of the women’s committee on the Union Parliamentary Committee and vice-president of the Women’s Association. More than many of his predecessors, Magvas, in his relationship with Marco Vanderwitz, a young mother and former government commissioner to the East, pressed for equality and quota rules: the proportion of women in the Union Parliamentary Committee has fallen slightly. 19 per cent, now it is slightly higher, at 23, 5 per cent.

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Equality in parliament is a long way off

Equality in the entire parliament is still a long way off: only 34 percent of MPs are women. In the Bundestag Presidium, weights are now clearly distributed differently. Besides the new president Bärbel Bas (SPD) – the third woman in office since the founding of the Federal Republic 70 years ago – and representatives Magwas, Claudia Roth (Greens), Aydan zoguz (SPD), Petra Pau (left) and Wolfgang Kubiki (FDP) are sitting as a man. AfD candidate Michael Kaufmann lost the first ballot.

In his new post, it is part of Magvas’ mission to guide the ballot sessions and monitor compliance with parliamentary rules. It has become more complicated since sitting on the AfD Bundestag.

Makwas confirmed himself against them in the federal election. He won directly his constituency Vogtlandkreis. In many Saxon volumes, the CDU lags behind.


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