Home entertainment Sonia Zeitlow: Fans rebel against the famous jungle camp manager

Sonia Zeitlow: Fans rebel against the famous jungle camp manager


Sonia Zeitlow (53) under fire. Some do it on Facebook jungle campFans vote against her and demand her replacement. This is whattzDaniel Hartwich, 43, and Zetlow are planned as RTL bidders in South Africa in 2022.

The TV presenter of Cologne will send a lot of prominent faces next year jungle camp. Instead of Australia, the jungle show was filmed in South Africa this time. With Lucas Cordales (54), Harald Gloclear (56) and Filip Pavlovic (27), three candidates have already been selected.

Otherwise, not much will change. Zietlow and Hartwich as well as Dr. Bob, 71, is officially part of the party. But not all fans are happy about that. some jungle campThe followers would have liked someone else to moderate Zietlow.

Sonia Zitlow shouldn’t care too much about criticism

Some fans on Facebook wrote: “You replaced the planks, it’s time to replace Olle with her horrible grimace”, “You can’t look at her anymore” and “If you drop it, it will blow away!”

Difficult things do not reflect the opinion of all fans. Many defend Zietlow and believe that the cult provider does a great job. Another Facebook user said: “I was afraid the next wrong broker decision would be made. I think Daniel Hartwig and Sonja Zietlow are great. So today I’m not angry with RTL.”

Zitlow shouldn’t care too much about criticism. I ran Reality Show “I’m a Star – Get Me Out of Here!” First with Dirk Bach and since 2013 with presenter RTL Hartwig. Born in Bonn, she can’t wait for the new season to start in South Africa.

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RTL Plans Jungle Camp in South Africa in 2022

“I’m more than happy, blink. Yes, I’m really happy!” After the announcement, Zitlow explained that jungle camp It will be held in January 2022. “This wonderful air…warm during the day, but the dry air, a little fresher and cooler at night – and just pure nature!”

Zitlow declared: “You can look forward to something crazy!” Facebook’s dirty storm hardly affects them. She has been very long and very successful at work for that. Plus, over the past few years, some have asked for it over and over again jungle camp to stop. RTL will think “impossible” because the show is a real guarantee for the audience.