Home Top News Regional Openers at the Olympics: Women’s Double Skulls Miss Medal

Regional Openers at the Olympics: Women’s Double Skulls Miss Medal

Regional Openers at the Olympics: Women’s Double Skulls Miss Medal

The rowing woman’s doubles trio unfortunately missed a medal in Tokyo. Archer Lisa Anruhum initially had to give up hope for a personal medal. Basketball players, on the other hand, won their first match.

The Women’s double fours He missed out on a medal at the Olympics for the first time. Boating crew around the Beatman and Frieda Hummerling from Berlin by choice The silver was in the course up to 250 meters to the end, but then exited the rhythm and finished fifth.

“I can not put this into words. I have to digest everything and get some distance. We have to come to terms with it, it takes a while,” Hummerling said in frustration.

Disappointment about the missed medal was due to Quartet, which was in addition to Hammerling Daniela Schultz from Potsdam, Francisco Campman and Carlotta Navajit, written on their faces shortly after passing the finish line. The Chinese were more successful than Poland and Australia in the windy seas of Tokyo.

Germans Basketball hero On the other hand there was reason to cheer: against Nigeria, national coach Henrik Rodlin’s team went on to win 99-92 to a strong final. After the unfortunate defeat against Italy in the beginning, the DBB team, including the Alpha players, was reassured. Johannes Timon And Mao Zedong As well as Berliners Niels Kiffy And Moritz Wagner Play with strong nerves. “We did what we had to do in the last game this time,” Low said, praising the team for 13 points.

Broadcast: rbb UM6, 07/28/2021, 6 p.m.

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