Home Top News President of Chile: Gabriel Borick wins second election

President of Chile: Gabriel Borick wins second election

President of Chile: Gabriel Borick wins second election

D.He won the second presidential election in left-wing Gabriel Borick against Chile’s right – wing populist Jose Antonio Cast. After counting 99 percent of the vote, the 35-year-old Borick won with 55.9 percent, according to the Election Commission on Sunday.

Even before the official result was announced, the radical conservative caste had already congratulated his opponent on his victory. “I talked to Gabriel Bori and congratulated him on his great success,” he wrote on Twitter.

A departure from the neoliberal tradition of Pinochet

The son of former student leader Borik, a Croatian and Catalan immigrant, wants to separate the country from the legacy of former military dictator Augusto Pinochet, who he blames for massive social inequality in Chile. He recommends reform of the private pension system and a strong role for the state in health and education.

And the election came after two years of somewhat violent struggles for social justice.

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