- The Palestinian Authority and the League of Arab States (LAS) on Saturday condemned the opening of the Czech embassy in Jerusalem, saying it violates international law. Reuters reports.
- Chechnya opened an office in Jerusalem on March 1, with a ceremony on Thursday attended by Prime Minister Andrzej Babik.
- In response to Palestinian criticism, the Czech Foreign Ministry stressed that the office was not a new embassy. The embassy of the Czech Republic is located in Tel Aviv, as well as the embassies of most countries in the world.
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From left: Israeli Ministers Amir Ohana and Kofi Ashkenazi and Prime Minister Andrei Babis at the opening of the Czech office in Jerusalem Photo: Sebastian Skinner | Source: CTK / AP
The government of the Jewish state considers Jerusalem as its capital, which is not recognized by most countries. The Palestinians consider the eastern part of the city to be the capital of their future Palestinian state. The Jerusalem issue has been one of the most important conflicts in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for decades.
On Saturday, the Palestinian Foreign Ministry called Prague’s action “a blatant attack on the Palestinian people and their rights, a blatant violation of international law,” which he said would harm the peace process.
“The decision of one or another state to open its embassies will affect the legal status of Jerusalem. East Jerusalem is an occupied territory under international law,” said Los Angeles Secretary-General Ahmed Abal Gajt in a statement.
Strengthening cooperation with Israel
On Saturday, the Czech Foreign Ministry reaffirmed its position that the office was not a new embassy. Its purpose is to contribute to the strengthening of cooperation between the Czech Republic and Israel and to improve the services provided to Czech citizens in this country.
“The establishment of this office will not affect the desire of the Czech Republic to further develop political and economic relations with the Palestinian National Authority, including the provision of development and humanitarian assistance through our liaison office in Ramallah,” said Michael Dutas of the Foreign Ministry. Department of the Press.
Babiš v Izraeli ocenil průběh očkování. Spolu s Maďarskem se chce připojit k výzkumnému projektu
Číst článek
Jeruzalémská úřadovna českého velvyslanectví v Tel Avivu se oficiálně otevřela k 1. březnu. Ve čtvrtek se jejího slavnostního otevření zúčastnil premiér Andrej Babiš spolu s izraelským ministrem zahraničí Gabim Aškenazim.
V plném provozu by podle dřívějšího vyjádření ministerstva zahraničí měla být úřadovna od přelomu dubna a května. Bude sestávat z diplomata a administrativního pracovníka, její provoz zajistí česká diplomacie ze svého rozpočtu.
Větší diplomatickou vstřícnost vůči Izraeli prosazuje především český prezident Miloš Zeman, který dlouhodobě volá po přesunutí velvyslanectví do Jeruzaléma. Vláda k takovému kroku dosud nepřistoupila.
Své ambasády přestěhovaly do Jeruzaléma jen Spojené státy a Guatemala. Jejich rozhodnutí pokaždé vyvolalo ostrou reakci Palestinců i arabského světa.
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