Home science overflowing? What events are planned for Saturday, July 31?

overflowing? What events are planned for Saturday, July 31?

overflowing?  What events are planned for Saturday, July 31?

Sanitary Traffic Events: Flooding?  What events are planned for Saturday, July 31?

The new Saturday of demonstrations against the passage of health is everywhere in France with large processions in Paris, Montpellier and Marseille. the program.

If the weekend promises to be too crowded on the roads for the intersection between July and August, Saturday also promises tension on the streets of France with several demonstrations against the implementation of the health card. by the Assembly and the Senate a few days ago. According to preliminary estimates from a police source quoted by France Info, 160,000 people are expected to take part in the processions on Saturday, July 31. A number largely identical to last week as indicated by the same source. Approximately 3,000 police will take part in private in the capital, a highly sensitive area where nearly 10,000 protesters are expected to demonstrate.

In Paris, approximately 10,000 demonstrators and 3,000 police will attend. Four demonstrations have been announced, including two significant with the first after the invitation of Florian Philippot, patron of the Patriots, who will leave Montparnasse, and one that will be at the start of the Villiers metro station, in the direction of the Bastille. place. There have also been calls on social networks to head to the Champs-Elysées, fearing the return of the “yellow vests” that force some policemen to go to this area.

  • The first procession will leave at noon from the Place Palais Royal (the first), and must arrive at the Place Pierre Laroque (the seventh), where it will disperse after 7 pm.
  • The second procession will leave from Place Joachim du Bellay (1), at 2 pm, towards Place du Palais Royal (1st), which should occupy until 9 pm.
  • The third procession will leave from Villiers Metro Station (between the Eighth and Seventeenth District) at 2 pm and join the Bastille (11) around 7 pm.
  • The fourth will start with Florian Philippot Montparnasse (14) 2:30 pm to Place de Fontenoy (7), towards the Ministry of Health, until 7 pm.
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As shown above, they are likely to be around 160,000 marching across France against the introduction of the health card.

More than 3,000 demonstrators are expected in Montpellier, but also in Toulon, Bordeaux, Nice, Marseille, Metz, Strasbourg, Besançon, Nantes and Pau. Dijon, Montpellier, Nantes, Valence and Grenoble will be under special police surveillance. In detail:

  • to me leon The procession will leave at 2 pm. Place Carnot.
  • to me ToulonThe procession will depart from the Place des Libertés at 2 pm.
  • to me MarseilleThe old port will be the starting point from 2 pm to 1 pm
  • put clipper in Strasbourg From 1 pm
  • to me FewThe event begins at 2 pm from Republic Square
  • Two events are scheduled for Nice. At 11 a.m. in Piazza Massena and at 2 p.m., Piazza Garibaldi with the announced presence of Francis Lallan and former journalist Richard Pottery in the lines of the procession.


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