New protests in Peru: a big fire in Lima after a demonstration

New protests in Peru: a big fire in Lima after a demonstration

Status: 01/20/2023 07:34 AM

Serious riots broke out in Peru during new anti-government demonstrations, and a major fire broke out in the capital, Lima. The demonstrators’ anger is directed primarily against the head of state, Boulwart.

During the protests against the Peruvian government, demonstrators and police officers in the capital, Lima, engaged in serious clashes. Government opponents threw rocks and fireworks at police officers, and officers fired tear gas into the crowd, as seen on television.

According to a report by the RPP radio station, the demonstrators attempted to break through the conference. Several people were injured in the clashes, and a building in central Lima was set on fire. Fire brigade chief Mario Casaretto told RPP that more than 25 firefighting units are working to prevent the fire from spreading to nearby homes. She added that the fire was “out of control.” It was not initially known if there was a connection to the protests.

The demonstrators are calling for the resignation of the head of state

The protests are directed against the government of interim President Dina Boulwart. In a speech she delivered this evening, she called on the demonstrators to engage in dialogue and declared the consequences for those who “want to create chaos and anarchy.”

The demonstrators are calling for the resignation of the head of state, the dissolution of the Congress, and the release of imprisoned former President Pedro Castillo. The former village school teacher wanted to prevent the December vote of no confidence and dissolve the conference. Parliament then removed him from office. He was arrested for attempting a coup d’état and is under arrest.

The protests in Peru, here in the capital, Lima, are directed primarily against the head of state, Dina Boloart.

Photo: AP

There have been protests across the country for weeks

Thousands of people came to Lima on Thursday with the slogan “Toma de Lima” (Take over Lima), most of them from southern Peru. “We want Dina Polwart gone, she lied to us,” farmer Samuel Acero, who heads a regional protest committee for the Andean city of Cusco, was quoted by the Associated Press as saying.

Anger at the new head of state is a common thread running through the protests. Street vendors sold T-shirts blatantly anti-Pulwart. By early afternoon, protesters had turned the main streets in the city center into huge pedestrian zones.

There were also violent protests in other parts of the South American country. And in the city of Arequipa, one person died and ten others were injured, according to the state’s Office of the Ombudsman. Dozens have been killed in Peru since the protests began in December.


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