New deportation plan: The EU Commission wants to deport more migrants

New deportation plan: The EU Commission wants to deport more migrants

New migration plan
The European Commission wants to expel more migrants

Implementation of an effective migration policy at the EU level has been hanging in the balance for years. In light of the increasing number of asylum applications, the committee warns that more migrants who are not entitled to stay should be deported. A new strategy could relieve Germany.

More immigrants who do not have the right to remain must leave the European Union again according to the will of the European Union Commission. “Those who are not allowed to stay in the EU must be sent back to their countries of origin,” EU Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson said in Brussels. Together with responsible EU representative Marie Jurich, she presented a strategy that would lead to more returnees.

The European Union has been trying for years to achieve a higher repatriation rate. In April 2021, for example, the EU Commission presented a strategy that focused mainly on voluntary returnees. In addition, the EU wants to use visa policy, for example, to put pressure on countries that are not ready to take back rejected asylum seekers. In fact, following a decision in October 2021, this lever has so far only been used with The Gambia.

The EU summit at the end of 2021 also mentioned trade relations and development aid as a potential means of leverage. So far, however, the trend has been in the opposite direction. According to the European Union Commission, 29 percent of people who should have left EU countries left the country in 2019. In 2021, the rate was 21 percent. The Brussels authority had announced a target of nearly 70 percent in 2018.

“Back is a shared responsibility”

Johansson and Goric did not want to commit to a new target. This can only happen in consultation with the countries of the European Union. Because they are in fact responsible for returning rejected asylum seekers. The EU Commission now relies mainly on closer cooperation between member states and EU authorities such as Frontex in order to increase the number of returns.

“Repatriation is a shared responsibility,” Eurich said. Especially in third countries where there are no major political obstacles or problems with basic rights, more people need to be sent back. In order to protect the credibility of the asylum system and prevent unwanted border crossings, more speed is needed. And she called for the necessity of the presence of advisers in every country of the European Union to ensure more voluntary returnees.

Increase the number of asylum applications by 50 percent

Johansson said more returns are also important because asylum systems in EU countries are under pressure. The number of asylum applications in 2022 increased by nearly 50 percent, to 924,000, compared to the previous year. In addition, there are four million refugees from Ukraine who do not have to apply for asylum in the European Union.

According to Johansson, most asylum applications have been submitted in Germany, France, Spain and Austria. In terms of population, Cyprus, Austria and Greece are particularly burdened. EU interior ministers are also scheduled to talk about cooperation with third countries in the event of a return at a meeting in Stockholm on Thursday. In February, an EU summit will be held in Brussels to deal with the migration issue.


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