Home Top News National Handball Team: Melsunger succeeds in Olympic dress rehearsal | hessenschau.de

National Handball Team: Melsunger succeeds in Olympic dress rehearsal | hessenschau.de

National Handball Team: Melsunger succeeds in Olympic dress rehearsal |  hessenschau.de

Kai Hefner in the test against Egypt

The German handball team won the last test before the Olympics against Egypt. Melsungen’s players also played their part in the victory – goalkeeper Silvio Heinfetter received special praise.


My voice

01:20 min.

Loca tag “teaser_more_audio_sr” not found Reichmann: ‘Olympia has a very special style’

Timo Castning and Tobias Richman

End of voice contribution

The German national handball team passed the rehearsal before the Olympics. She won the Three Nations Championship in Nuremberg and finally won in 29:27 (12:10) against Egypt. The six nominated players from MT Melsungen played their part in the success.

With Timo Kastening, Kai Häfner and Julius Kühn, there were three Hesse actors initially registered. Tobias Richmann, Silvio Heinfetter and Finn Lemke came during the meeting to their times of spread. In the first half, Heinvetter not only kept the team in the game thanks to his saves, but in the 27th minute began a counterattack of Marcel Schiller, who put Germany back in front.

Persuading Reichmann and Heinvetter despite the substitution role

The situation is special for Heinevetter and Reichmann: they are both substitutes only at the Olympics, they travel with them but are not allowed to stay in the team hotel. Meanwhile, Kastening on the right wing, Häfner (right back space) and Kühn (back space left) should be among the pillars of the team, which has only 14 players in Tokyo. Cohn scored three goals on Sunday, two for Richman and one for Hafner.

Against Egypt, the German team improved significantly in the second round, in the meantime withdrew with eight goals. In the end there was a well deserved success 29:27. Al-Ahly coach Alfred Jeslason said in Sport 1: “We had a lot of problems in the first half, things went better in the second half. I am very satisfied.” He also penned special praise: “Heinfetter has done very well.”

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