Naked migrants: Athens and Ankara accuse each other of cruelty

Naked migrants: Athens and Ankara accuse each other of cruelty

Updated on 10/16/2022 at 6:07 PM

  • A photo with naked migrants on the Evros river on the Turkish-Greek border has sparked outrage.
  • Turkish security forces allegedly pushed 92 people into Greece without their belongings, goods or clothes.
  • Ankara denies.

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Greece and turkey Each blamed the other for an incident involving 92 naked migrants at their shared border.

government in Athens On Sunday he again denounced the incident on the border river Evros. This is an “inhuman image” and “barbaric behavior reminiscent of the Middle Ages,” Citizens Protection Minister Takis Theodorikakos said on Sky.

Ismail Catakli, Deputy Minister of the Interior of Turkey

According to Greek ministries, 92 migrants were arrested on Friday for crossing the border river naked from Turkey Greece It had to be driven. Then Turkish Deputy Interior Minister Ismail Catakli tweeted that the news was fabricated.

“Spend your time respecting human rights, not manipulation and deception!” Katakli wrote on Saturday evening. Since Greece did not find a single human rights violation by Turkey, attempts are now being made to impose cruelty on Turkey.

Greek authorities and media published a photo with naked migrants. Some people said they were taken to the river in three cars owned by the Turkish authorities and put into inflatable boats to cross the river. According to a statement issued by the Greek police, some of them were said to have been injured. The migrants were dressed and cared for; They are said to come from Afghanistan, Syria and Pakistan.

Ministry of Public Protection: Officials from the European Border Protection Agency Frontex are also on site

According to the Citizens Protection Ministry, officials from the European border protection agency Frontex were at the site on the Greek side. Frontex itself did not initially confirm the incident when asked over the weekend. She said in Athens that the responsible European Union authorities had been comprehensively informed. Greek Migration Minister Notis Mitarakis said Ankara was expected to investigate the incident.

Athens wants to close the border on the Evros River in the northeast of the country almost completely due to the increase in the number of illegal border crossings from Turkey. A 35 km border fence is currently being extended along the 80 km river. Not only in Evros, but also in the eastern Aegean, the Greek border guards recently recorded a significant increase in the number of refugees. (dpa/mbo)
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