Three arm and shoulder exercises

Three arm and shoulder exercises

Being diagnosed with breast cancer changes lives. So it is very important to regenerate after the operation. In order to keep your body flexible, regular exercise should be a part of your treatment plan soon after the procedure.

Very important: When you can begin training, you should discuss this with your treatment team beforehand.

Shoulder and arm training

These three therapeutic exercises by experts in crepes app mica Help you move your shoulder and arm better.

  1. close grip: Extend one arm forward at shoulder height. Make a fist in this position. Open it again and spread your fingers apart. Hold each position for 1 second and do this a total of 10 times. Then switch your arms.

    a plusKeep both arms outstretched in front of you at shoulder height. Simultaneously move both arms out of position next to the body. Ball and open your fist several times. Finish it by putting her arms back in front of your chest. Repeat ten times.

  2. Towel exercise: You will need a towel for this exercise. Fold it lengthwise and place it on a pole firmly fixed above you. Grab the ends and slowly pull one of them toward the ground. This is how the other arm is pulled. Repeat this 10 times alternately.

    a plus: Hold the towel in front of you. With your elbows straight, raise both arms beyond your chest at the same time. He paused there for a moment and slowly moved him down. The towel stays taut. Repeat ten times.

  3. chest elongation: In an upright position, hold your hands behind your body. Your body does not bend forward. Be careful not to arch your back. Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds and then let go.

    a plus: Bring your hands together behind your back. Then slowly move them up and down your spine. Repeat this ten times.

During training, your upper body should remain calm, and you should only be able to move your shoulders and arms without pain. To avoid shrugging your shoulders, do the exercises in front of a mirror.

Important: Always train your shoulders and arms and don’t use any extra weights.


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