Monkeypox: WHO gives green light to summer festival | life and knowledge

Monkeypox: WHO gives green light to summer festival |  life and knowledge

The increasing number of people infected with monkeypox in Europe is hindering many people’s summer plans. They’re unstable—especially when it comes to summer prom.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is now giving the green light: it is against stopping the festival, but at the same time it urges caution.

WHO expert Amaya Artazcuz said on Friday that mass events such as festivals can provide a “conducive environment” for the transmission of the virus. However, the World Health Organization does not recommend canceling or postponing festivals and concerts.

Instead, the World Health Organization urged festival organizers to actively educate visitors about the dangers of monkeypox. In this way, infection can be quickly identified, preventing further transmission and protecting people at risk of infection.

“If we do nothing, we risk a spike in monkeypox cases this summer,” WHO official Sarah Tyler warned.

Tyler said that over the coming summer months, more than 800 festivals were planned across Europe, bringing together hundreds of thousands of visitors from many countries. Most attendees are “highly mobile and sexually active, and a number will have intimate skin-to-skin contact at or near these events.”

Since May, monkeypox has also spread to countries outside West and Central Africa, particularly in Western Europe. According to the World Health Organization, more than 3,200 cases have been reported in 48 countries so far this year.

Typical symptoms of the disease include a high temperature, swollen lymph nodes, and blisters similar to chickenpox. The disease is transmitted through contact with the body and the skin.


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