Masked activists block the Pocholt massacre

Masked activists block the Pocholt massacre

Early Monday morning, about 50 previously unidentified men entered a butcher shop at Musumar Ringstrauss in Pocholt and chained themselves to the building. According to their report, they want to prevent the action by their action in order to prevent animal slaughter. People are dressed in black, with black mouths and noses covered. Emergency services are on site, police said. More details will follow later.

Additional reports

Handling unknown ventilation in the pigsty

Unidentified persons blocked the airflow at a piggery in Sherbeck on Sunday night. According to the police report, the temperature in the shed rose as a result of the maneuver and about 130 animals died.

The technical defect can be ruled out after an initial investigation. Investigators are currently searching for more information about the incident.

The cow that threw the farmer into the air

A cow broke into a butcher shop in Mengen in Sigmaringen district on Friday and blew its owner into the air. The 62-year-old suffered minor injuries. The animal ran towards the train tracks. Unable to catch, shot by hunter. To rescue the animal, the Menge-Herbertingen railroad had to be temporarily closed.

Dogs kill sheep

In Möchengladbach, two huskies tore up two sheep in a small pasture. The sheep farmer could not do anything and called the police. They locked together the doors of a barn where the dogs had chased a sheep.

A police dog handler who was called was able to protect the Huskies and lock them in the fire brigade trailer. The shocked dog owner then took her away. He told the media that the dogs had run away.


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