‘Like a disaster movie’: Hundreds of passengers stuck in Eurotunnel

‘Like a disaster movie’: Hundreds of passengers stuck in Eurotunnel

Like in a disaster movie.
Hundreds of passengers stuck in Eurotunnel

A train collapses in the Eurotun tunnel between Great Britain and France. About 400 passengers have to change trains in the world’s longest underwater tunnel. One passenger described the experience as “terrifying”, with crying and panic attacks.

A train collapse left hundreds of passengers stranded for hours in the Channel Tunnel between France and Britain. After the alarm went off on a shuttle train in the Eurotunnel, passengers had to be transferred through a maintenance tunnel to another motor train on Tuesday evening, according to a spokesperson for operator Getlink.

He added that the shuttle “was stopped in a controlled manner” and was searched. About 400 passengers were transferred to another train “for safety.” Pictures and videos posted on the Internet showed passengers walking in the tunnel with their belongings.

“The maintenance tunnel was scary. It was like something out of a disaster movie,” Sarah Fellows, 37, of Birmingham, told the Palestinian News Agency. One woman cried, another had a panic attack.

The travelers arrived in England several hours late. In the morning, shuttle traffic through the tunnel returned to normal. Approximately 38 kilometers of the Channel Tunnel, which connects Calais, France, with Folkestone, United Kingdom, passes under the English Channel.

The Eurotun Tunnel is the longest underwater tunnel in the world. Of the 50 kilometers, 37 kilometers run entirely under the English Channel between France and Great Britain.


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