Home Top News Lancashire-Verlock poll: “Grinch” is the word of the youth of 2021 – Panorama – Community

Lancashire-Verlock poll: “Grinch” is the word of the youth of 2021 – Panorama – Community

Lancashire-Verlock poll: “Grinch” is the word of the youth of 2021 – Panorama – Community

“Grinch” is the “Youth Word of the Year” 2021. This word describes something uncomfortable or unpleasant and finally Voting for Lancashire Publishing With 42 percent of the vote, the company announced in Stuttgart on Monday.

Previously, young people voted for their favorite word in several rounds – with the exception of “trembling” and the words “sheesh” and “suz”. “Sheesh” expresses surprise or disbelief, while the word “Sus” means “suspicious” or “obvious”.

“Sush” with 32% of the vote “Sheesh” (26 percent) had previously finished second in the final. According to Lancashire, a total of 14 million young people took part in the election, which began on June 14.

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Since 2020, young people have been able to vote for themselves through the publisher’s website. Previously, adults decided on the word youth, which provoked repeated discussions. Lancashire has been voting for the Youth Word of the Year since 2008 – in the past the election has sometimes been criticized as a publisher’s advertising campaign.

Last year “Lost” was chosen as the Youth Word of the Year. It reveals ignorance and uncertainty. The current winner “Grinch” has already dropped to second place last year. (dpa)

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