Saturday, February 8, 2025
HomescienceKeeping your brain active can help delay Alzheimer's disease by 5 years

Keeping your brain active can help delay Alzheimer’s disease by 5 years

In a new study, researchers show that the onset of Alzheimer’s disease may be due to regular cognitive activity.

With age, the deficiencies in our bodies are more and more obvious. We find among the most deadly diseases at the neurological level Alzheimer. In a new study published in the journal Neurology, des chercheurs viennent de démontrer que le fait de garder son cerveau actif par le biais d’activités cognitive stimulantes (lire un livre, jouer à des jeux de société, écrire…) permetta’it de retarder de la fait five years.

Cognitive activity helps delay Alzheimer’s disease

To reach this conclusion, the researchers studied a group of 1,978 people who had an average age of 80 who did not have dementia at the start of the study. These participants were followed for an average of seven years. Through annual checkups that included cognitive tests, the researchers first sought to determine whether some people had developed dementia.

During the study, each person was asked to rate their participation in seven activities on a 5-point scale. Thus we can find questions like ” In the past year, how many times have you played games like checkers, board games, cards, or puzzles? ” where ” How many times have you read books in the last year? If people answered with 1, that means she did the activity once a year, compared to 5 for each day.

The group with higher cognitive activity generally had a mean score of 4. Thus these people performed the activities several times a week. Participants with low cognitive activity received a score of 2.1. Basically, they do activities several times a year.

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The study results show that 457 participants with an average age of 89 He had Alzheimer’s disease. However, an age difference was found between people with a high level of cognitive activity and a low level. The onset of pathology was, in fact, at age 94 for those with the highest levels of activity, versus 89 for those with the lowest levels of cognitive activity. So we can see a difference of five years.

Zoe Barker
Zoe Barker
"Writer. Analyst. Avid travel maven. Devoted twitter guru. Unapologetic pop culture expert. General zombie enthusiast."

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