Home Top News Ice Hockey: NHL Legionnaire Marco Rosie Nominated for Olympic Qualification – Winter Sports

Ice Hockey: NHL Legionnaire Marco Rosie Nominated for Olympic Qualification – Winter Sports

Ice Hockey: NHL Legionnaire Marco Rosie Nominated for Olympic Qualification – Winter Sports

Marco Rosie on the ÖEHV team for Olympic qualification Photo: © GEPA

Vienna – Tuesday, August 3, 2021, 4:17 p.m.

Marco Rosie will support the Austrian national ice hockey team at the Olympic qualifiers in Bratislava (August 26 to 29).

The 19-year-old from Worlberg appeared on the 29-man squad, but Michael Raffle did not travel to Europe. Not recommended by Neo-Dallas crack team captain Roger Federer.

The players of the local ICE Hockey League dominate. Seven Swiss troops are on the team, including defenders Stephen Ulmer and Bert Wolf and pioneers Benjamin Bamkardner, Rafael Herberger, Patrick Obrist, Patrick Sponring and Dominic Sverger. Sebastian Vroncitz and Marco Rosie from North America join the team.

Head coach Roger Bader is satisfied with the line: “I’m very happy with the team that is available to me. I’m sure we have good young talent and experienced national players. We have the athletics and the qualities that national players play on the team.”

From August 16, the national team in Vienna will begin a week of preparation for the Olympics, replacing this stage with two Tests (Hungary (August 21, 4:30) and Italy (August 22, 4) (August 30, 30)).

After the Test matches at the Erstay Bank Arena, Bader announced a solid 25-man squad.

List of top 29 Olympic qualifiers:

Goalkeeper: Defender: Striker:
David Kickert Dominic Hagel Florian Baltram
Alexander Schmidt Dominic Heinrich Benjamin Pamkardner
Bernhard Starkbam Alexander Pallestrong Manual canal
Sebastian Wraneschitz Martin Schuminick Lucas Haddum
Steven Strong Rafael Herberger
Stephen Almer Mario Huber
Clemens Underweaker Thomas One Hundred Pounds
Raphael the Wolf Brian Lepler
Bernd Wolf Patrick Obrist
Gillian Chandel Thomas Raffles
Marco Rosie
Peter Schneider
Patrick Spawning
Ali Vukovitz
Dominic Swerger
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Text: © LAOLA1.at

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