Healthy Sugar Loaf is Low in Calories and Contains Important Nutrients – The Healing Practice

Healthy Sugar Loaf is Low in Calories and Contains Important Nutrients – The Healing Practice

Sugarloaf contains vitamins of the B group and vitamin C

subordinate sugar paper Its name is due to its cylindrical shape, which makes it resemble a sugar loaf. However, its taste is not sweet and contains hardly anything Calories. Instead it stuck in it Wintersalt healthy Nutrients How important vitamins And the metal.

Sugarloaf is similar to Chinese cabbage, but is closely related to dandelion and radicchio. Raw leafy greens taste great in a mixed salad, but are also steamed as a side dish and topped with delicious cheese, reports the Federal Center for Nutrition (BZfE) in a current issue. message.

Season in fall and winter

As in the Austrian public health portal”Gesundheit.gv.atSugarloaf, along with dandelion and strawberry lettuce, as well as chicory and radicchio, belong to the genus of the chicory family.

Sugarloaf, also known as dandelion salad, meatloaf, crystal head, autumn chicory and chicory, has the fall and winter months. season. Available from regional planting from October to December.

The name “sugar loaf” comes from the straight, spherical growth habit, which is slightly reminiscent of a sugar loaf. Rectangle oval, light green to yellow tree leaves The taste is more bitter than sweet. This is especially true for the outer layers.

Low calorie and healthy

Like all salads, leafy greens are very low in calories healthy It contains large amounts of B vitamins, beta-carotene, vitamin C, and minerals such as potassium and calcium.

Versatile and versatile

As BZfE writes, sugar loaf brings variety to the kitchen. The light inner part of the head is preferred because it does not taste like the outer leaves. A little bitter going If you want to lighten this up even more, you can also put the leaves in lukewarm water for a few minutes.

In an autumnal salad, lightly sweeten with a vinaigrette and fruit like An applegrapes pear And the orange to balance the taste. GranatapfelkernAnd the FigsAnd the Carrots And goat cheese also pairs well with a slightly bitter loaf of sugar.

Winter salad tastes milder when cooked – for example with Onions Steamed and baked with delicious blue cheese.

Or how about pasta on Sugar Loaf, for example? For this onion and garlic Steamed with green leafy vegetables cut into strips. Then mix with vegetable broth and season with a little cream and a dash of soy sauce.

Then add the finished pasta to the sauce and sprinkle with Parmesan before serving. Spicy sugar loaf cheeses are also very tastyrouladesStuffed with sweet pepper, millet and smoked tofu. Sugarloaf can also be grilled. (ad)

Author and source information

This text conforms to specifications in the specialized medical literature, medical guidelines and current studies and has been verified by medical professionals.


  • Federal Nutrition Center: Sugar Loaf – Not made of sugar: Winter salad with nutty flavor (Accessed: 05.10.2022), Federal Center for Nutrition
  • Austrian public health portal “”: seasonal calendar: Zuckerhut, (accessed: 05.10.2022),

important note:
This article contains general advice only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. It cannot replace a visit to the doctor.


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