Guardians of the Galaxy Writer joins BioWare

newcomer in BioWare: author of games Marie Demarle He is no longer part of the Eidos-Montréal team, but now serves as the senior narrative director for the development studio behind Mass Effect and Dragon Age. DeMarle is probably best known for her work on titles like Example of gods: humans are divided A paranormal adventure Guardians of the Galaxy.

In the past I’ve also worked on titles like Homeworld 2, as well as Myst 3: Exile and Myst 4: Revelation. At BioWare, of course, she can now dedicate herself to new tasks. Since you are there right now with all of New Mass Effect as well as with Dragon Age 4now known as Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, is definitely busy.

New authoring power in BioWare: What game did the studio hire Mary DeMarle for?

However, it is not known if DeMarle will be working on an ongoing project or a full-time project new game He had been employed. in Posted on LinkedInthrough which information about it change function Growing up, I simply wrote: “I am pleased to announce that I will be taking on a new position as Senior Narrative Director at EA/BioWare!”

However, there are indications that DeMarle could be involved in the next Mass Effect. as such PCGamer BioWare reported about five months ago Job offer An advertiser is looking for a Mass Effect narrative director who will do just that “executive [besitzt]To develop gameplay designs, branching characters, and narratives. “


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